
A month ago, on a whim, I booted up my college laptop (from 1998) just to see if it worked.

One should also point out that the Switch Pro controller is translucent, and has been, since launch.  Not wholly, but it’s there.  I’m also looking at replacing my Switch body w/ a clear translucent one; both for the aesthetic (which I’ve always loved!  Long live the translucent GBA!) and because the kickstand’s shot.

Ha, fair enough, and I agree.

Oh, I want to believe you, I really do, but I think the moral compass has moved on, and not for the better.  More often than not is inconsideration ignored for personal gain/fame/etc.  

Same cloth, different sides. I’ve been an optimist most my life and, well, chip meet shoulder ;). I’m not going to say you’re doing it wrong. You do you. It’s not a bad thing by any means. I’m just running out of time.

You give humanity too much credit.  It’s horrifically much more simple than that - some people just don’t care.

If I didn’t have a group that I wanted to play with, I would have done the same.  And people wonder why any extraterrestrial intelligence would want to alienate the human race...  

Well, marching blithely down this train of thought - the type of mom that would buy their manchild a $2k tiny anime girl probably is not a loving mother, but someone who is buying a distraction so that she can continue doing whatever it is she does.

One could argue that if you can spend $2k on a tiny anime girl, you probably live with your mom.

Either the hole is well hidden, or fleshlight’s about to make a killing.

I had a series of head colds after my child was born - and it got real bad earlier this year - sinusitis bad enough that the doctors were preparing to put holes in my ear. During this time, I had some real bad tinnitus.  And it wasn’t high pitched at all.  It was a low pitch hum that made me question my sanity.  Even

I was preparing a diatribe at the exclusion of Lee, but then was pleasantly surprised. Nice.

Yeah.  Steal ‘em blind but ‘ware the “fee” for losing rep.  It’s expensive, early on.


No mention of the 10mm in Fallout 4 (and 3, 2, 1, NV, etc) that inevitably got modded to high hell down the line if you were playing with pistol perks (and maybe even if you weren’t!)... :(

I agree. Luckily 15.6" is the largest I’d like to go - and to be fair, it’s not THAT much larger than the 14". It sounds a lot bigger because of the screen dimensions, but note that a lot of that is soaked by the bezel change. It’s really not too much larger than the 14.

or... because I only ever see 87/89/93 offered and my sticker says 91 :(

motorcycles can run on it! Weeee!

God damnit I literally just bought one last week.

God damnit I literally just bought one last week.