
Carson really is the pimple in this series. (Yes, it’s about a Ph.D., but it fits.)

In response, Cam said

Trying to sell treadmills?

Honestly, I don’t know what your beef is. The two of them happened to meat under tough circumstances, and their love is rare, so let them enjoy it. It's clear they're searing hot for each other, but each of them seem to maintain a cool center and I think that's admirable. And Gwen is among the most beautiful women in

Does sticking your dingaling in a fleshlight provide the same brain cell growth as sex?

Leave it to hipsters to bring back the plague.

CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.

You look at the data and the research, and there’s a new Harvard study out that shows that there is no racism in the hearts of police officers he looking at us?

Things that will make a woman not want to sleep with you:
Asking them to watch you take shower.

She’s not acting like a nice product. Be nicer, product! Shows of humanity will be deducted from your final score.

“The only thing that separates adult now from mainstream is the ability to shoot hard cock, pink and penetration”

A visual aid to help answer this question:

Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown (D-Rialto) told lawmakers about her son, who was near death. Doctors urged her to let him go. Nineteen days later, he came off life support. He survived, and is now a husband and father. “Doctors don’t know everything,” Brown said.

Does that mean that all of the people who illegally killed themselves will finally be released from prison?

Word of warning: DON’T take things like Imodium or Pepto-Bismol when you have food poisoning!!! You’ll only prolong your misery: purging (from either or both end of your digestive tract) is your body ridding itself of the infection.

Pay attention if your friend has consumed some other substances in addition to the booze. College kids love to abuse prescription meds.

People are willing to believe a 15-year-old has more sexual agency than an adult, if the adult is a woman and the child is male. That’s why people might feel sorry for her, or think she’s mentally ill, or think the young boy made a choice in the matter while the grown woman had no say.