She told ABC that her only serious health problem was a long-ago benign tumor and that the doctor discharged her with one word of advice.
She told ABC that her only serious health problem was a long-ago benign tumor and that the doctor discharged her with one word of advice.
Britney Spears song ‘Toxic” has been shown in multiple, double-blind, randomized clinical trials and a Cochrane meta analysis to be superior to standard of care management of intensive neuro rehab, physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, and has a favorable cost-effectiveness profile ($1.29 on…
Please somebody just disable further comments.
The Demon’s name is Paul Rudd.
Until I can save an attachment to my iPhone, I won't be using Inbox.
Jason Pierre-Paul expected to meet with doctors, they will have their say, but early indications are, hand injury is not career threatening.
Minor point of contention. One may HAVE an aneurysm (a balloon-like outpouching of the wall of a blood vessel), but only suffer if the aneurysm ruptures or leaks. Sometimes, they will grow without rupturing and cause symptoms by way of the pressure they exert on surrounding tissues.
“But sex, for all its logistical simplicity, is complicated”
Don’t worry. He looks beat-ass tired. Like every new dad. Even fame and fortune can’t protect you. (although a couple live-in nannies probably could)
I am a Jew by birth (both parents are Ashkenazi). I went to Israel for the first time with my family for my sister’s Bat Mitzvah, when I was 16. Was a sullen, annoyed teenager the whole time and didn’t really enjoy it. I went back, on a 22-26 yr old Birthright trip, a week after I finished med school at age 26. Was a…
Is that matzoh ball soup??
Being arrested and then “cited and released" seems lame when you're so drunk they need to take you to the hospital. Good thing he didn't drive head on into a minivan with 5 kids in it!
1) Roofie
It’s almost as if some people think “pro-life” means “we value life” and “pro-choice” means a callous indifference to the well-being of mothers and fetuses.
Spoiler alert:
Putting people to sleep for a living is the EASY part. It's preventing the anesthetic from killing them that's the challenge.
UPDATE: she said, “oh yeah, I saw him on Letterman or whatever, a few months ago. totally demented.”
I completely concur. No doubt in my mind. Now, if only I could get my wife to watch all his recent interviews...(she's literally a dementia specialist)
Alopecia due to toxic amount of protein