
Not gonna lie: I was 100% Naru until volume 13, then this happened.

I was totes going to review this for TAY about three weeks ago but when I saw a full package and not a four pack sample, I did the wise thing: walked away and got regulars instead.

I'm sort of glad I was young before the days of instant online photos, so nothing stupid I did ended up preserved forever. On the other hand, I did get stuck in a bathroom for hours once, and a smartphone would've been mighty helpful then...

sounds familiar...

Now playing

FF6 was my very first RPG game as a kid (I was definitely in school by then, as a friend had let me borrow it - maybe 3rd or 4th grade?), and it still is my favorite to date, even with my nostalgia glasses off. The music certainly had an effect on me as well, and certainly fostered a love of video game music going

I really need to sit down and play through the original series of games again. The music alone sent me places...

God, this is ridiculous. The fact that taxpayer money was spent planning a defense against the so-called "Zombie Apocalypse" and that the DoD has given so much credence to "Zombie Apocalypse" conspiracy theorist nut jobs is outrageous, and ultimately tragic.

I hooked up with this one married lady alllllll the time. She's married to me, so it works out pretty well.

If any FF fan didn't get the chills, I feel sorry for you. Such great stories, such great games. (I also love these posters, I tell you what)

Lara, Lara, Lara!

Needs more Dittochu

They need more cooler bug pokemon like Heracross: