
Official site is down due to heavy traffic not from a take down.

"Their" is supposed to be "they're" but I can still understood you. Not be everything in life needs to be 100% accurate. Especially not works of fiction.

True, but he did return on DS9 however.

For me, the problem was Suikedon II came out the same time as Monster Rancher and MR had so much more to offer me then Suikedon II did.

Question: How does one get a job evaluating Nerf and Nerf-like guns for a living? I apparently took the wrong courses in college.

Frankly, I'm just waiting on a proper Lunar sequel. I have the PSX Lunar SSS and Eternal Blue sets, as well as Lunar Legend on GBA (a reworked version of SSS) and Harmony on the PSP (another working of SSS, and very good).

While I do ask that we get more JRPGs and there is clearly enough evidence showing a demand for them, fuck Sega. Until they get their shit together with PSO 2 and stop shitting on the Western market, they can port their entire library to Steam for all I care.

The Skydancer was the first toy I ever bought with my own money. I saved up for months, and playing with it was just as satisfying as the commercials had led me to believe it would be. Sadly, she was confiscated by my mother after just a few weeks.

The new outfits are probably Jinora's idea - a new young master bringing them into the modern age.

Final Fantasy X-2 only had Yuna, Rikku and Paine, so Final Fantasy XV can have Noctis and his bros.

Don't worry. At some point it happens to everyone.

Personally, very few indie games grab my attention. With that said, this fall, a good chunk of my preorders are on Vita.

If you build it, they will cum.

He was also a Warhammer 40,000 player (I know a guy who gamed in the same store as him) and player of other things besides.

He was one of us.

Pretty glaring omission here:

Important question time regarding this feature:

Ash used Crunch. It was super effective.