
I wish I had been able to play Final Fantasy XI but sadly when it came out we lived in the country and there was no way that my internet was ever going to cooperate enough for me to play an MMORPG without lag out the ears. That is why I was so excited when Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn came out. I was excited to

My Wife saw this and was immediately happy. She loves Audino and they pretty much made Alola Raichu look like an Electric Audino on a surfboard. We are both pretty hyped for this game to come out already!

Oh this is a fun topic! Imagine all the time you would have to play! I shall post my list:

I will be continuing my Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Yellow. Just cautiously grinding a bit before trying to run my way through the Elite Four. Should be good though. I’ve enjoyed using Pokemon that I would not normally have used.

I am actually pretty happy with all of the designs so far. They are building an aesthetic for this region. I am really looking forward to exploring this place!

I plan on continuing my Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Yellow. My best friend and I are playing through all of the generations in preparation for Pokemon Sun and Moon. So far I have been lucky, I’ve only lost one(RIP Odin the Spearow! You were too good for this world!) but my roomate has had a rough time of it. Due to some

Ah that’s true. C’est la vie I suppose but that’s alright it means some old favorites can show up. I kind of want to make a Pikachu clone party now. It would be funny.

I am actually really enjoying the design of the Pokemon that we have seen thus far. I am interested to see if they are going to go the route of Black and White and make it to where you can only catch that regions Pokemon at the start. I really enjoyed that because it put us Veterans at the same level as everyone else

I’m really looking forward to this actually because I always dreamed about being able to REALLY catch Pokemon and this is getting pretty close. I used to entertain myself by thinking about what kind of Pokemon would live near my house. One of my all time favorite Pokemon is Sandshrew and I KNEW he would live in the

One of my alltime favorite childhood memories is sitting down and playing this with my Cousin. We grabbed it because it was Mario and we loved the Mario games and when we started playing it we were surprised at how different it was but we were having a blast! It is one of the games that really cemented RPG’s as my

I think that I shall continue playing Dark Cloud 2 off the PSN. This game is honestly even better than I remember so I have been having a blast with it. Between playing that I will probably pop in and play the Witcher 3 some as well as is right and proper.

I actually enjoyed the Tyranny of Dragons campaigns. My Wife ran them and we had a real fun time with them. We went through them with an all Monster race party. My character was a Goblin Paladin of Tymorra named Droop. Good times were had!

I was really looking forward to the Star Ocean game as I really love the series, but a lot of the reviews are making me nervous. I was able to at least enjoy parts of the last Star Ocean game but it was not a stellar outing for the series, especially on the heels of Till the End of Time.

So the twist is that whatever evil organization that shows up in the game, their Leader will use this Pokemon and look kind of like Trump. Nintendo wants to make Pokemon great again. (It never stopped of course.)

This was the first time since I first played World of Warcraft the first time that I really felt invested in an MMORPG. I think it helped that I managed to get some friends started playing at the same time but even barring that the story is in my opinion the best in an MMO that I have seen. I felt really invested in

Damn did I play the Hell out of this game. Probably one of my favorite recent RPG’s. Sadly a lot of my friends never finished it due to the last chapters. Made me quite sad, but their loss. I believe I shall now go listen to the soundtrack!

Man......2016 is feeling pretty damn far away at the moment. I really want this game. I may have to start over in Awakening again......

I......Am pretty okay with this happening. As long as it keeps the same spirit of adventure that the first one had, and the same theme song. The theme song truly made it awesome to me.

Very awesome games on here! I loved Tomba and Tomba 2! Really fun to play on the PSP too! I see these games and raise you another amazingly unappreciated Platformer on the SNES by Atlus of all companies. I give you Super Widget!

It is taking a lot for me not to resubscribe to this. Such an amazing game. But I felt I needed to tackle some of my backlog before resuming play. Prolly won't come back until the expansion. But Triple Triad is so very tempting.