
Hehe who says Humanity cannot keep it classy during the holidays? We rocked it this year I think. I believe I have only went to Black Friday sales in store once before. I debated it this year but I was saved from myself by a lack of money.....Go me I guess?

Well I bought a Vita when they launched and I actually really enjoy it. I think if you picked this up and grabbed Persona 4 Golden for 19.99 like it is you would be off to a good start. This coming year is seeing some real promise for more games to come swooping in and as always you have access to a number of PS1 hits

Hmm....We do tend to pack dialogue with our own meanings, especially when it is written.

Hehe that was rather pointed phrasing wasn't it?

That is most curious. I really did not have any problem with those games, they played like the originals to me, with the added bonus of having the pokemon following you thing.

One of my favorite memories is taking my Heracross to the Elite 4 in Soul Silver and going toe to toe with one of Lance's Dragonites and taking it out even after taking a Fire Blast to the face. Was amazing.

The first celebration my Wife did none of her villagers showed up. She was so hurt that none of her villagers came for the fountain they asked for.

Although the megaphone makes you feel slightly foolish I still use it regardless of if I'm in a crowded place. When people look at me I just shake my head and say "Villagers amiright?"

Oh man I was so pissed off. I had Peewee in my town when I first moved and I was excited because I had a Gorilla living in my village but he turned out to be kind of an asshole so I was really excited when he said he was going to move. But then a day before he was set to move I talked to him and selected good luck

Hehe he is in my village too!Was one of the original ones when I moved there.

I admit that this is kind of the same thing that I do.>___> I play so often that to go to the bed every single time would be inconvenient. But my wife does make them go to bed before she shuts it off.

Biggest thing to expect in Kingdom Hearts 3? Me buying it. I have been waiting for this one for quite a while and look forward to seeing how it all ends. I'm curious how they are going to swing the Sora being a Keyblade master thing. Oh the failed one? Was actually a test in itself, he passed because he failed. Or, Oh

I have been seriously debating buying this game. I have been playing a lot of games and am getting something like gamer fatigue. Been thinking that this is just the laid back game to get me back on track. Plus I want to prove to my Fiance that I can decorate better.This will inevitably fail but would be fun