I hope more games start putting real world educational content into their games. I’m so bored with “lore”. Give me some facts about the real world. Valiant Hearts was good at that too.
I hope more games start putting real world educational content into their games. I’m so bored with “lore”. Give me some facts about the real world. Valiant Hearts was good at that too.
What’s your favorite game where all the major characters are black?
I have both. It’s drastically reduced the amount I’ve spent on impulse buys. Any indie game that looks kinda cool, but costs $15-20, I will just wait and assume I’ll get it free eventually. Same with AAA games. I’ll never buy The Order or Ryse or Kill Zone, because I just assume one of these months, I’ll get them for…
Soccer has this frustratingly fluid tension that Americans can’t stand. We like our sports to have distinct units of play with pass/fail outcomes. A pitch is a strike or a ball. The batter is out or gets on base. The pass is completed, intercepted or dropped. You get a first down or fail to. A basketball play succeeds…
Look at you! You picked a nit! Good boy.
It was like “classy Hooters”.
“Meanwhile, everyone else consumes it mindlessly, then regurgitates an opinion based on some uninformed value judgment without really thinking about what it is they’re criticizing, or without really caring about how much work and how much imagination must have went into making it.”
Pretty sure some people have batted a few eyes.
I disagree.
“we already know...”
Some Sabermetrician is currently trying to come up with an Entertainment Above Replacement metric so they can determine the exact value of watching a ballgame.
What about the other times?
Bro. Asked and answered. Move on.
“it’s as anti middle east as you can get.”
“Matchmaking for raids would be a disaster”, is the video game equivalent of “Gay marriage will cause the destruction of society” or “raising taxes on the wealthy will destroy the economy”.
Bull Boozered?
How bad is Unity? I’ve become a big French Revolution nerd and I’m wondering if it will be a fun romp or a tedious frustration.
Is there a consensus for what this move is called? Can I nominate “Turkey Glue”? As in, “DeAndre Jordan just straight up turkey glued the Mavs”. I think Hedo has the kind of sleazy, mercenary, Euro-trash smirkiness that should be associated with this maneuver forever.
Fuck 17 year olds. Seriously.
“Why the hell can’t they just matchmake??”