Sorry for that last reply... hit the wrong ‘reply’ link.
Sorry for that last reply... hit the wrong ‘reply’ link.
You should be happy! Otherwise they take up a whole spot in the lane just like a car and would actually increase the traffic you’re experiencing.
You should be happy! Otherwise they take up a whole spot in the lane just like a car and would actually increase the traffic you’re experiencing.
A couple years back a few friends and I witnessed a hit-and-run in San Francisco, near Daly City. We were stopped at the light, and an adjacent car was, too. Some dude, no brakes no horn or anything, SLAMS dead into the back of one of those cars, crumpling in the trunk. Screeches back, screeches forward and peels off,…
better than nothing
I once had something like this sorta happen. An old friend of mine posted wedding photos on her FB account, and everyone was like “What the heck”, even her friends... Her family didn’t comment, though—they knew she was a model, and was on a shoot to advertise wedding dresses in a fake wedding. Convincing enough for a…
They just need to do the whole movie. I’d watch it. I’d pay money for that!
I can’t stand it! Cooking rice is ultra easy
It felt really good, having an opportunity at a horrible dead-end job that I was not pleased to be in, to make a small difference, and hopefully boost some kid's self esteem.
Wow, more comments than I've ever seen. My input will probably be lost, but (as a non-parent) I fully plan on just experimenting to see which method works.
Water's pretty heavy and so is fuel. If we want humans to survive in space, we need water to accompany them. We can recycle it once it's there, but getting it there is currently quite taxing, considering how heavy it is. On the other hand, if we can find water that's already in space, we can use that for basically…
I thought the same exact thing:
"Huh. Looks kinda like Second Life."
So how many times has the Voyager left the solar system?
Looks like a genie to me
For all those worried about the no-show of the console... Yeah it's weird, but the bright side is that it shows Sony's finally focusing on software.
You've earned it—these are pretty awesome :)
I know exactly what you're talking about. ;-)