I think it's fake, but not for the reason you mentioned. Nothing about the video suggests at least a couple hours passed between eating and passing of the phone, also an elephant's body might reject such a device, speeding up its 'output'.
I think it's fake, but not for the reason you mentioned. Nothing about the video suggests at least a couple hours passed between eating and passing of the phone, also an elephant's body might reject such a device, speeding up its 'output'.
Why all the sarcasm?
They can already do that, though, right? Just cut off a branch or a root from "da best tree evarr", stick it in the ground, and grow another tree. Same way they cultivate bananas.
This will be essential when we begin inhabiting other planets.
Me too!
To anyone complaining about ads and wants to have custom artwork on their kindle:
I think it's awesome that this will help shape the future if digital rights, but isn't that just it? Bruce has purchased the "rights" to those songs. While he doesn't own the songs as a physical medium, he owns the rights to those songs. Wouldn't it be reasonable, therefore to simply pass the rights along?
I for one appreciate how many cross-referenced articles there are in this article. Keep it up!
Wait, really? I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
Apparently my high school, (before I got there) performed the play "Wizard of Oz". The fireballs that the witch shot out of her hands were some kind of pyrotechnic, but they got it to work, just like the real thing. I wanna see THAT!
Next on the agenda for these scientists: the Turbo Encabulator
All it needs is a better enclosure. Fit the main components on a sling that hangs around your back or something, then have a ribbon run down the arm to the hand, I can't picture this thing beng very intimidating.