

A B-minus is positive! Just mixed-positive. But this comment was also very flattering to my writing so I give it a B.

yeah and Singer’s first accuser by contrast turned out to be a con artist who specialized in pyramid schemes, that combined with contradicting statements made by him and his mother in court destroyed any credibility he had which put all future allegations against Singer under a cloud of doubt.

Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

So Julius Avery should get more director gigs?

Which is a real shame because the third, not directed by Abrams, was the best yet. 


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct...

A cursory reading of the academy’s rules indicates none of this is “fraud.” Per the documents, Rule 6.2: “A performance by an actor or actress in any role shall be eligible for nomination either for the leading role or supporting role categories. If, however, all the dialogue has been dubbed by another actor, the

We watch it every year. I agree with you.

Good and fair point.

I don’t have it on hand, but there was a great analysis of the scene by an editor, who suggests the structuring of the shots underlined the fact that Tony dies there, because there is a repetition of shots of Tony looking, and then cutting to what he is seeing, and that the last shot of him looking, followed a shot of

Seems to me like it’s meant to be maddeningly unknowable because Chase hated his audience.

There’s a saying, “To be African American is to be African without history and American without privilege.”

It’s hard because he doesn’t actually believe that in his heart. He’s only willing to say the bare minimum to get the Oscar gig back.

If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then you can possibly imagine.

Jezebel. Splinter.

Every time I mention PHANTOM THREAD and HOSTILES, some asshole comes along to mention how they had their qualifying runs in 2017 and I just imagine them looking all smug as they type it. And fuck them: wide releases count for those of us not on a coast or in the business.  Both were excellent. Thanks for mentioning

I disagree with this sentiment.