
one only wonders if the Stand Your Ground legislation can be used by civilians against the police too...?  /s

There is exactly a 0% chance that not a SINGLE Marvel show made it onto that list.  Especially considering I haven’t even heard of the #1 show, I’m calling BS.

Weird. I was waiting for Inhofe to mention Splinter by name in his comments.

I don’t know if we’re ever going to get that story at this rate.

Trainspotting and Shawshank are attempts to preserve Welsh and King’s narrative voices, though I dunno if they actually add anything to the movies. I haven’t seen either all the way through since the ‘90s. Some good examples, though. It would probably be impossible to feel any degree of sympathy for Alex or Bickle

There’s almost nothing worse than cinemasins, and it shouldn’t be considers serious criticism at all.

Agreed- it was the best of the entire Netflix Marvel Universe.

Great ep. C+.

I am regretting my purchase, but didn’t pay full price. I’d wait until it is under 10 bucks if I were you.

I think it is. Great ep.

Just a thought... This is not an assassin’s creed game :p It is so much different from its predecessors, that it is not anything like AC games we used to know .. It started with origins.

Is this an episode of I Love Films?


Probably!  This looks awesome!  Feels like old school stop-motion, mixed with actual comic book style with a slash of modern day CG.  Different look.  Loving it!

Really well said. “Smug” really attaches itself to Maher, it’s appropriate. I loved your “truth bomb and SHIT JUST GOT REAL.”, because he really does that all the time, like absolutely everyone else in the world are idiots, he’s the smirking know-it-all with ALL the actual truth and wisdom. Unbearable after a

Were you a fan one Maher’s once? I was before I got sick of his attitude.

And you’re completely and utterly wrong. Flawed, hell yes. But it’s nonetheless the best Superman movie ever made (number 2 is The Iron Giant). Granted that’s not hard to do given its awful initial sequels, the Singer dull reboot/sequel and completely an utterly wrong Murderman reboot, but to say that there’s nothing

Is there a racist Pinterest out there for these people?

The difference is that you are paying a monthly bill for your wireless service, so most companies are willing to lose some money on the devices knowing that you are still going to be paying them $100+ a month. Not the same for Gamestop. They have no guarantee you are going to spend anymore money with them after you