
I have mentioned this before but I know Victor Garber a little, and he’s the nicest man and he loves her like she’s his own daughter, so that’s good enough for me.

Just a reminder that Mike Cernovich is a rapist! 


ah crap. :\

You mean that they blatantly lied about an assault that didn’t happen?

fuck that. film the cops regardless.

That is NOT true. 

Trump didn’t win. Hillary lost. I voted for her. But the DNC caused all of this, with their myopia and arrogance.

In response to Cumstain: Your name is appropriate for you. Unfortunately, your father had better aim because I am responding to you - without removing you from the greys. Normally, I just hit dismiss but I felt you needed clarification. I said nothing about Bella - other than her issues are documented. And the victim’s

Your take is not informed. Many Latinos and others of Hispanic descent identify with their cultural ethnicities, not their US Census-assigned race. Ask a Guatemalan what race they are and they say Guatemalan. A Mexican’s “race” is Mexican, or they might even choose the region or state they came from. The Census, thus

Fan-fing-tastic!!! I had such a smile on my face when I saw at the end of AGT that Chris Hardwick was their next guest judge. I gave his accuser so many chances to back up her claim and she failed to do so either with proof or her actions by not participating in the investigation. It is easier to claim she just wants

Even though it had long been running on fumes, I would have liked it if the show kept going, but they just never mentioned Jasper again. When the series ends a few years later, have the final shot be of adult Jasper on his own in Cancun, mumbling to no one in particular about how they left him a self-driving car to

Narratively jarring: ME3. Sorry folks, it just still is. Please don’t hate me.

Exactly, that’s the conclusion I came to as well, which is why I had asked my question.

Welp, that didn’t take long. Thanks for proving my point.

There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

This is the bit that introduced me to Mr. Show at 15 years old. Bob and David shrug it off as a dumb, easy gag, but I still remember how hard I laughed in the middle of an otherwise forgettable special.

If James Gunn’s redemption is worthless then all redemption is worthless.

You’re insane.