
Shit... in the time I refreshed the screen, you made the same comment as me :(

...I want to see this done, but just with older soundbites now. Like when Anakin’s bemoaning that Padme didn’t notice him in AotC, JarJar breaks out Coach McGurk’s “Women are insane” explanation for him.

Many of the same problems are in WW as there are in the others and if it was called Wonder Man and Chris Pine was the superhero lets be honest the film be closer to 60-70 percent favorable review range.

Terry the traitorous troll tolerates treason.

When are the police going to get serious about charging or at least fining people for making BS calls. This should be about a $500 fine when all the neighbor had to do is go next door, knock and say your lawn guy is over on my side of the property line.

*shoves you out airlock*

“It’s a rough world out there people, try to hang on.”

Spanish restaurants often have two, sometimes three pricings. There’ll be a bar price (“barra”), a price to sit in the main restaurant (“salon”) and a third price to sit outside on the “terraza”. It’s nice to sit outside and the surcharge isn’t much, but just don’t be surprised if your bill is a little higher as a

At least she tried! *shrugs*

Right. Like at the same time Gamorra could have just told Thanos to get fucked with a banana and let her sister die and he never would have gotten the soul stone. But she caved, and Thanos wiped out half the universe as a consequence.

You sound fun.

You can even see it in his reaction too, he knows what’s going to happen but also completely understands him.

As many have pointed out before too, Starlord’s freak out is basically the exact same thing Tony did at the end of Civil War. It’s a pretty big moment if you ask me.

Whenever I see a dog I don’t know, I say to myself, ‘Who’s THAT dog?’, like I’m suspicious of it or something. It means nothing, but it makes me laugh. Try it sometime.

Horse? You mean a clip-clop doggo?

Hopefully not to Morgan Freeman.

Well that’s a shock that Korn might play a part in Avengers 4.

This is not a “judge a book by its cover” situation. This is a “seen the cover, read the book, learned that the story is a pain in the ass that tips shit” situation.