
If you want a game that addesses institutionalized racism and bigotry in a tasteful manner set in America’s past play any of the Bioshock games. Ken Levine and the Irrational Games team did a fantastic job addressing some of the nastiness of our more racist past in a manner that fit within the narrative of their

and the There/They’re mistake, in addition to everything else this goddamn fool tweets. I’d get depressed, but I’m already an Arsenal fan.

As a “gamer of color” I’m immensely glad they removed the “garbage” and kept the technical mastery and attention to detail. My eyes can’t roll far enough back in my skull at the (largely) white critics complaining (!!!) that they adhered to the artistic style and removed the racist overtones. I can’t thank them

Yes, and I think my original and subsequent comments make clear that I agree it was awful regardless. I also think the language we use to talk about it is important and consequential.

I’m curious. At any point, was there a dim warning light going off in your skull saying, a) this is the most obvious, hackish, unfunny joke in the world, and b) accusing someone of being too ugly to harass is the fastest way to declare yourself human garbage?

I also liked the first Thor for essentially the same reasons. People like to complain about Loki’s nonsensical “plan”, but the truth is that he never really had a central plan. Throughout the first movie he’s mostly rolling with the punches as new and painful facts are revealed to him then lashing out, so he’s not

Saying she’s gorgeous (she is) isn’t an issue, but following it up with “Am I allowed to say this anymore?” Is what makes it weird.

The sad part is they had sources that wouldn’t go on the record. Honestly think they were just looking for a way get this shit out of the shadows.

I just don’t see how asking readers for information they have on Louis CK in an article is different than asking the comedy scene if they have information on Loius CK over an email.

Math teacher to the rescue here. Let’s round it up to 2000% volume increase. That means it’s 20 times larger in volume. Estimating an eyelash to be roughly cone-shaped it means that we see lengthening and thickening of the lash.

She’s a famous actress who was in - amongst other things - The Force Awakens, which made umpty-billion dollars on release and dominated the industry nws cycles for months.

The internet doesn’t require you to care, but being on the Audio Visual Club - a website devoted to the film, television, and music industry - and

You are really committed to being Cookie Monster, aren’t you?

Who in the blue fuck is defending him right now? Other than perhaps those on his payroll?

I think you probably remember several different pleas for tips about CK. As you said, maybe do some actual fucking reporting of your own, as opposed to someone anonymously dropping evidence in your lap?

Jezzebel sought interviews and sources and didn’t have them and ran the story as ‘rumors’ anyway, yeah, that’s bad.

investigation in public view and investigation behind the scenes are different.

Here’s a little protip: When any journalistic establishment pens an open request for information, they’re not looking for proof; they’re looking for validation.

If you think AVClub has the same resources as the NYT to follow up and plan and execute these types of stories, you don’t really know shit about journalism. Rumours are news as well, so says 600000000 internet websites and blogs, but it’s just not the same as an investigative piece. Two separate things, see?

I had to pretend to like girls to get laid.