
I believe it's been shown that Nolan never said that thing about 'real film'.

Man of Steel bashing, how original!

I was really hoping "The Rural Juror" would take off.

Not at ALL!!! That episode of Lost was great! Nikki and Paulo... total departure from the series norm and a twisted little tale of characters we had only ever seen mingling in the background. Love that they put a story to a couple of the people we never got to know!

Honestly, I remember the entrance to Balamb garden looking just like that. Pre-rendered backgrounds were a thing of beauty. Even if you had to deal with abominations like this:

Well... that was completely unwarranted, inappropriate, and unnecessary.

1) The game already ships with a disc, and it is really not hard to envision compression being able to get that 20gb on there

Now playing

someone realizes people have been constructing this with cheaper materials for some time now?AND THEY LOOK JUST ASS GOOD (in fact this one even works)

"Chip Morningstar."

I'm not sure where you'd fit more of them.

Am I the only one that things the cumberbatch one looks ... nothing at all like cumberbatch?


He films in such slow motion, the humour is only catching up to us now...

Atwood trolls the future with an empty book which says "jk lol" written on the first page.

Well, she's a teen girl and I'd hope that would give them pause as to how she's depicted (which would nix any chance of the freaking vagina patch the current incarnation wears). And in the words of King Arthur to Guinevere at the end of Excalibur, "It is a dream I have."

Are we speaking about the *same* Peter Jackson who turned a 300 page fairytale into a 3-hours-per-movie-trilogy that's getting too boring to watch? (And I'm a fan of the LOTR trilogy, I swear!).

Meet Paul Cole, American tourist. Vacationing in London, he just happened to be standing right there when the iconic photo was taken. Though he died in 2008, due that one moment of happenstance he will live on as long as music endures.

"Now Peter Jackson i might be willing to warm up to. He seems to respect source material even if he has to make changes necessary for the film medium."

man, that game has not aged well. also, good job on the title GIF, if you aren't paying attention, it looks like an unbroken loop.

I actually love that movie, and I love the book. Sometimes a movie and book can be different from each other as long as the spirit remains. And until the forced happy ending, the spirit was there.