
The artwork here feels like it would lend itself well to film. I get a created world/Blade Runner feel. But more likely than not it would have been a beautiful looking, but not very good, movie. Adaptations aren't the problem. It all has to work on its own. That's the tricky part.

ME makes me sad.

Coulson is the only character I care about, and he should be the main character and A story EVERY EPISODE. Fitz and Simmons have actually grown on me and I like their banter. The rest are duds. They need to do better, and maybe they will?

I'm still not sold on Skye at all, but I think the episode did a good job of showing how useful and resourceful she could be. I still think it was a bad decision making her the focus of the show instead of a reoccurring character. But, that was the least annoying she's been since the pilot.

Was it authorized use?

I'd be the first one to criticize this show for its shortcomings, but that was a pretty fantastic episode. Nonviewers: watch episodes 1, 6, 8, 10, and 11. Though things could change, I'm now very optimistic for this show.

Well said.

*delicious McDonald's

I agree on all but Arrow. They have introduced powers. Last episode Ollie had a badass fight with a proto-Solomon Grundy, dealt with DC's take on super-soldier formula, and saw the birth of The Flash, and earlier dealt with The League of Assassins and Ra's al Guhl. Powers don't necessarily make something good (Man of

Darren Aronofsky is an amazing filmmaker, and I'm looking forward to this.

If I wanted to watch a bunch of sexy teens mutilate each other I WOULD HAVE LOCKED THEM IN MY BASEMENT.

It was meant as both remake and prequel.

Come on... I hated this movie but can readily admit Costner's Pa Kent is for the most part pretty good. He is struggling in that scene. He is a good man and he wants to protect his son no matter what. Clark asks if he should have let the others die on the bus, and Jonathan's answer is not YES, it's MAYBE. And he

Most of my favorite wii games are actually Gamecube games. That's also the main reason I haven't gotten a wii U.

To be fair, Star Wars is fucking imaginary. But, maybe "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" the word parsec was used to mean a small increment of time. In real life that's what it sounds like it means (a sec, but smaller). And that's why he wrote the line wrong. Also, Gigawatt should have a hard G sound if

Duck Dynasty LOL J/K!

Just started watching "Fullmetal Alchemist" and "The Good Wife." No relation.

Double Dash 4 Life

"Huge?" Isn't it more like 16-32, max? How about new DLC race sets?