
I was under the impression Aveline was gay.

Hyrule Warriors (name not final): Rated R for sexy situations.

The sword of Archangel Michael. Steam-gun. Immortal (technically). Can replace damaged limbs from corpses. Soldier since WWII. Fucking KILLED HITLER (in Flashpoint at least). He is Hellboy + Thor and with the other Creatures of the Unkown he is DC's answer to Guardian's of the Galaxy. But he is ignored and cancelled.

Gabriel Knight 2 was a great game.

I want a good show, not a toy commercial.

But also hilarious.

The Pieta is very moving. Lemongrab is creepy as hell as a baby.

"I have to open this bottle, but my shirt just isn't up to the task.... THERE'S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY!"

There's still no excuse for DarkSydePhil.

If Flash doesn't go to series I'm going to flip shit.


You're right. That was harsh. I apologize.

They weren't dead all along. It's 100% clear that the "flash-sideways" are just some kind of holding room/purgatory after the characters had died, and that everything that happened on the island truly did happen. I don't love the ending, but anyone who watched that ending and concluded they were "dead all along" is

Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games ever. What's the opposite of flat and boring? Because that's how I found it. Exciting and lots of hills I guess.

Hmmm, I must have hit reply by accident earlier. Sorry to leave you hanging!

I have no problem with "internet comments," just your smug condescending tone. I'm also not here to prove my point. I've expressed my opinion and now I'm done. Is retelling the game to you point-by-point, action-by-action, when you've already played the game yourself going to change your opinion of the game? No.

Come on, it's obviously a factor. Being a single parent is a tough job. Having a partner helps share the load.

I think it was. When I saw the survey about how he liked characters I immediately thought "Oh, I wonder how high he rated Mary. 9? OK, good." But maybe Blackbeard was better.