

He better have gotten that job.

That is a better way of putting it.

Oh, that old story!

I have to think the series would be better than the original film: I think a pretty cool concept for what became one of the absolute worst movies I've ever seen. I lost a lot of respect for Paul Bettany when he re-teamed with the filmmakers for Priest.

I saw it twice in theaters. Pretty great movie, but the third act was a huge mess culminating in a baffling final fight with the villain. I HAVE NO IDEA.....

That's a lot of Hitler.

Sorry, we're switching to Keifer Sutherland-aide.

I know the games are released too often, but these games are my Madden. No one else has to buy them... just let me enjoy them. I still feel ACIII was a good game, but not the game it should have been. I still love the Ezio trilogy and think of them all as ACII anyway.

I'm the first to slam my head on my desk when I see Wonder Woman in a tube top or Supergirl in her current ridiculous "bottomless" outfit, but I'll say that the costume should service the character. I think Emma Frost's costume does inform her character, so it may be too sexy or too erotic or too revealing or too

Oh, is that right? When did they say that? Was it during the briefing when she was wiping chalk dust off her butt? Or was it a CODEC call at some point? That sounds familiar. Was that a punishment for being involved in Shadow Moses?

That occurred to me too actually. They didn't feminize her, and she was muscular, but I didn't think she was masculine, very intimidating though.

Ahh, how could I forget Otacon? That's an obvious oversight.

I love MGS, flaws and all. Just finished replaying 1, 2, and 4. I'm going through 3 next.

Don't do anything your uncomfortable doing.

Well, you're the expert.

Smallville used the Williams theme a few times. Always gave me goosebumps.

OK, one last thing. I'm just saying Dark Knight switched up the formula and tried something different; something more comic book movies should try.

Nope. Throwing Superman's iconic theme, his costume, his history into the rubbish bin is absurd. I that's the last I have to say on the matter except I hope MoS 2 will be a great Superman film.

Only the bad ones.