Eselle Gee

So, is that her "something new"?

I want a notarized statement from Jesus okaying this.

i feel like if i heard someone say that quote in real life, i would think it was a humble brag. mainly the part about doing so well in her career and the met gala.

I find Shailene Woodley a little exhausting, and not entirely authentic. Like she's trying so darn hard to be authentic that she actually ends up being just as calculating and fake as whatever she's rebelling against. But that's my very judgmental takeaway from how she comes across in interviews, so who the heck

Oh, I agree that it's abhorrent. I'm just saying that the concept of blood money is culturally relative. I might think it's a bad system for any number of reasons, but some abstract morality is not one of those reasons.

It's very dystopian really - living in a world where we can no longer venture outdoor without protection.

I wear an SPF moisturiser on my face....the rest of me is sun-kissed, or, has been exposed to the kiss of death. I'm not anti-sunscreen, I just don't burn and don't really spend that much time outdoors so when I

I'm not aware of the book, nor of the author's work, but this is now on my reading list. Thanks for the recommendation!

Old school E! would have. They did air The Girls Next Door for years.

Only because straight men don't watch E!

Usually the only inspection of Women Strippers is limited to tattoos below the allowed limit (or must have none) and if a strange more backward area (like BuckHead in Atlanta) also must demonstrate having pubic hair for fully nude dancing - not allowed to wear the full shaved look around there. . . just fyi - and I

...Fox might.

Bonus irony points: he specifically mentions how maturely he is dealing with the situation in a rant on Twitter, which is basically the definition of immature.

Oh God did I love the Green Acres theme song when I was a kid.

I dont completely disagree with you. I just feel there was nothing that he tweeted that in any way harmed the kids. I felt his tweets were fairly innocuous. And to see how much vitriol is being thrown his way on this site for innocuous tweets while the real bad guy in this goes largely unscathed.