Eselle Gee

This is likely the beginning of a beautiful partnership. That book, for those who haven't read it, is awe-inspiring, and Lupita's work speaks for itself. Can't wait to see what they do with this!

"Mirren insisted then that she had no desire for marriage, or as she called it, "voluntary imprisonment.""

She is so unnaturally thin. I'm torn between wishing she would tell me her secrets, and wanting to shove a cheeseburger in her mouth.


The existence of that stupid piece of paper that proves you can think your way out of a paper bag that you list on the other stupid piece of paper you send out to people to reaffirm that you can think your way out of a paper bag will, unfortunately, give you the best shot at success in Corporate America — if that's

I agree that this is not funny because it's highly offensive. I also think that this is not funny because it's just.... not funny. It's neither clever, or witty. It's fucking stupid.

My point is - if there's a show about female strippers versus a show about male strippers, regardless of the network, which one will be glorified and which one people "tsk" at?

For wedding dresses, sure, but not for stripper lingerie.


The first question is — WHY is a wardrobe malfunction newsworthy?

They might if E! aired a docu-series about female strippers.... but I'd guess that they wouldn't want the "negative attention."

I just feel like, if this was called 'Women of the Strip', and depicted strippers getting their breasts measured, E! wouldn't air it. Just sayin'.

Now playing

In the eyes of a twelve-year old just waiting to watch I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched, the Monkees can easily be seen as a dismal failure! I Love Lucy theme below.

I think it's just a societal norm for most people. Our generation gets the phrasing from our parents, they get it from their parents, and so on. Unless you're breaking that norm, like with a same sex marriage, most people probably don't think twice about using those familiar terms. I do like the idea of "partner"

If nothing else, at least the public is being reminded that things like this are possible. That little bit of hope can make all the difference.

Winnie Cooper and Kevin Arnold are why I have unrealistic expectations about relationships.

Whoa, whoa. Before you assess my person-ness, note that I thought we were sticking to 80's-90's TV themes. Here's my "of all time list":


These "before and afters" are so refreshing to see. Even more refreshing is that the "magic" of photoshop is being exposed far more frequently than ever before. Pizza, anyone?

You're right. They both suck. And they throw around "the kids" as some sort of justification that they're quality parents, while ignoring the harm that their self-created media circus can cause.