People are too sensitive these days.
People are too sensitive these days.
“The show makes a lot of money so they’ll have to find new people to do it.”
Paint alone will probably coat $10k.
Takes some balls flying that gigantic thing.
You seriously want ships to fly American flags in those waters? We'd hear these kind of stories every single day.
Why would you go to what looks like a luxury car dealership to buy a car if you only live off Social Security? And why would you sign something you can’t understand. Sorry, but both parties are idiots.
SUV driver is an asshole, pure and simple. Hopefully the catch him and rape him. But why didn’t the bus driver make sure that all cars came to a stop before opening the door? Too reliant on those flashing lights.
Probably too lazy
This is vandalism, plain and simple. No matter what the message is, you break into someone’s store and put your shirts onto private property, you are vandalizing and defacing the brand value.
Going into a private business and pushing your agenda is not creative nor should it be applauded. They should be charged with vandalism.
People don't like being told how to drive in this country. It's like slapping someone's mom but worse.
You sir, are a minority of educated drivers. I salute you.
Both are fucking assholes. You don't overtake anything like that, and you dont block the fucking left lane while pacing next to an 18 wheeler and blocking cars behind you in the blind spot of that 18 wheeler. Anyone ever seen a truck lose one of its tires at highway speed? That shit flies off with force and can be…
Athletes (or any healthy person) don’t fall like that without bracing themselves in some way. He just fell like a poll.
Should’ve put some black X tapes on headlights too.