Erzhik Tem

Sure it’s great he got a Bugatti and all that shit, but instead of getting a 4th Bugatti, how about getting a Tucker 48? Or an F1? Where is the taste man?

While it’s great that he was adopted, sucks that people would go and adopt a dog just because they saw it on the news. Nothing good ever comes out of people adopting animals out of popularity.

I for one am happy that he quit. Now we know that all 4 of them are planning something, most likely. Wouldn’t mind if HBO or Netflix hired all 4 of them.

Sidewalk ate it.

Maybach 62 and Cayenne Gemballa Taxi Service in Moscow. They have several of these in their fleet.

Just because he makes more, doesn’t mean he should pay more. The reason why most rich people make more is because they invest more time and money and usually work a hell of a lot more than normal people.

Either lane detection thing or some kind of an autopilot or the driver is just testing the noise from rumble strips.

You need an eagle vision to pay attention to the speed of that fucking ball. Don’t lean against the net, I guess.

“If you bought #LillyforTarget items just to resell online for your own personal profit I basically hate you.”

“It is not clear if the missile’s motor ended up firing at the very last second or if it fell back to the ground”

According to people talking in the video, the thing crashed somewhere in the woods near those trucks. The woman asks whether it crashed or flew off, the guy says it crashed somewhere over there and apparently he can see it laying on the ground.

ASIMO can go and suck it.

We are yet to get a car that will look as good as or sound as good as the majestic F1. Even McLaren themselves can’t make a better successor to F1, just shows how insane that car is.

F1 has better everything.

I'd never let anyone expect for family drive my car. Even if they don't crash it, you know that they will leave shit in the car that was supposed to be in a trash can.

Jesus christ, that thing is the size of a fucking jumbo jet.

Did he at least finish the brisket?

Might as well ride in a Suburban.

They get a campaign bus when each party finishes selecting their nominee.

The brilliance of Veyron is the fact that it is faster than anything with wheels while having all that luxury stuff inside. Strip it down to bare bones, and it will be faster than a rocket.