
It’s not a bad documentary, but he deserves better. It’s 2/3 about Paul Williams, and 1/3 about the guy making the film not realizing Paul was still alive and trying to find him. And he keeps pushing subjects PW obviously doesn’t want to talk about, which supposedly brings some drama, but really just grinds the film

Who deserves a better documentary about his life. Still Alive wasn’t bad, but it could have been so much better.

No, I think it was Brahbrah.

Paul Williams is a goddamned national treasure

Saying Def Leppard is in the same club as The Beatles or Stones because they’re all in the Rock HOF is like saying you’re in the same club because you’re all in the Rock section of Sam Goody back in the day.

“Where the hell is Warren Zevon: 2018 edition.”

Also, I’ve never been a huge fan, but Devo deserved to get in.

Fucking learn the magic known as paragraphs, chief

Whatever, edgelord. Enjoy your brief time out of the grays. It wont last, and we’ll all forget about you. Have a nice day.

Yeah, Im sure the person with “Loli” in their handle is qualified to speak about mature expressions of sexuality...

Yup, that’s an anime avatar all right.

Gamers need to be nuked from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Curb your expectations; a leaked pic shows he's just a Sonic Echo Fighter.

There’s a difference between a company being filled with assholes and having a leadership team that actively promotes a bigoted Christian agenda while sending large chunks of money to anti-LGBT organizations. Unlike McDonald’s, Verizon, or other shitty multinationals Chick Fil-A is very open about its evangelical

I will only eat there on Sunday.

People aren’t against CFA because they’re Christian. Nobody is upset that the founder loves Jesus. They’re upset because they have in the past (and may have continued) been linked to and funded anti-LGBT groups.

“You might as well feel guilty for supporting cruel warehouse conditions buying from Amazon, or sweatshops for your iPhone.”

I don’t, and will never, eat there, solely because of their politics. But, it goes beyond the CEO’s beliefs. It’s because the CEO donates large amounts of money towards organizations that openly discriminate against entire segments of the population. He donates his money; where do you think that money comes from? I

This encouraged me to review my previous position of boycotting them. After reading this:

If you’ve really dedicated yourself to atoning for your atrocious behavior, you’re going to have to be prepared to continue paying for your behavior for a long time. The people harmed by this kind of behavior don’t get to just shrug it off. Why should a change of mind mean the person who caused that harm can just shrug

And nothing of value was lost.