God, you are such a pussy. Ive lived here for five decades and I never pissed my pants once over immigrants, legal or not. Your ilk does it daily.
THANK YOU! The dude’s comments on the passacaglia and “high layrnx,” too...this is a coach who learned just enough to start getting people to pay them, perhaps thinks he or she knows a lot, but doesn’t actually have an accurate understanding of the vocabulary. Unfortunately, it seems all too typical of people pulled…
I was about to make a similar comment, but I wiki’d it, and if the wiki article is right, it’s also valid to use “tessitura” to refer to the range used in a song. *shrug*
As a dramatic sop...I agree totally, the cult of the high note is bullshit. Give a contralto Erda’s role from Wagner’s Ring Cycle and it’s magnificent. Give it to a coloratura and you will have a trainwreck. But it’s not Gaga’s range that’s the problem, it’s her technique. She’s got the entire head range to go but…
THIS. Every singer has a range in which they are most natural and most comfortable, no matter their training. You can’t defy nature, nor should you. It’s what makes music interesting.
Video games.
Came looking for this. Was not disappointed.
hot tip: if you want us to read your “leaving new york” thought piece you should include your soon-to-be-vacated apartment’s address, broker’s name and lease end date. also please indicate whether the building is wired for fios.
You could post this gif for every article on gawker networks until the end of time and it will never stop being hilarious.
I’m a successful black man. I don’t go out of my way looking to play victim. I’ve endured racism my entire life and feel that I have overcome it. I feel sorry for racists. I am NOT a revolutionary. So, please, hear me when I say fuck all of you who are aware that “all lives matter” is considered racist to many black…
Whatever you do, don’t ask why white people are given so much more lenient sentences for the same crimes while the book is thrown at black people. Don’t ask why a white kid who kills people while drunk driving can be released to his parents because of “affluenza” while a black kid who does the same thing will be tried…
It’s not an investigative piece genius. It’s an op-ed piece about 1 person’s experiences and opinions. Do you need to do research about how you feel about something?
I don’t think the point is “this is a Pokemon Go specific thing” but rather “oh, look, yet another thing for POC to worry about doing in public”.
You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.
you don’t know what you’re talking about. europe’s been doing that for a while with relatively few problems.
He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.
It could have been worse...