

Hello, destination of my next paycheck.

I'm an aspiring performer at a pay-the-bills day job. In part, my job is intentionally boring: I wanted something I could leave without too much difficulty and that I could leave behind . But the pay, some recent management decisions, and soul-crushing boredom are starting to wear me down to the point where I need

I had a piano teacher tell me "The fastest way to learn a piece is very slowly." She had me "program in" new pieces by setting a metronome very slow, play it at that speed until it was perfect, then advance it just one click and repeat. Pretty soon your fingers are flying through passages that looked impossible.

I think a pinch of kosher salt could be dropped on the burger with the pepper without fancifying things too much.

As a performer who works a day job, I have two resumes, which I update continuously. At my office job, I update my non-music resume every time I'm handed a new responsibility. My bosses here want me to keep track of the projects they give me so that we have something to talk about at review time. Naturally, I won't

I'm wondering why you'd wear a tie at all with a madras shirt. Isn't the point of a madras shirt that it's relaxed and breezy? Just roll the sleeves up and business-casual that shit.

If you do stripes with stripes, make sure the tie has a wider stripe than the shirt. If they're different enough, the patterns look complementary instead of eye-hurtingly busy.

Of course, he could also use the opportunity to look up the words in question, instead of whining about "metrosexuals."

Weigh out your coffee. And your water. Ideally, do the whole thing on a scale. It's the only way to make it consistent. Once you get your ideal ratio down, it will be consistent every time. Start at 1g coffee to 10ml water and dial it up or down to your taste.

How did you know it was time for you to get out? And what did you wind up doing?

Well, shoot. That's what I'm doing.

What did you do? Actor?

I'm an aspiring opera singer working as a receptionist in New York City. I have spent the last two years since getting my Master's degree (which I'm in debt for) working temp jobs by day and singing by night and weekend. My day job now is permanent, until I get the right contract that offers me enough to be a singer

Huge. And as part of that:

My vote is solid tie with a striped shirt, or vice versa. You can do stripes with stripes, as long as the shirt stripe is narrower than the tie stripe. Ideally, you'd never wear either the shirt or tie in that picture. Just... awful.

One of the tips I learned on here was mounting a magnetic knife strip to the underside of my cabinets. Freed up counter space by getting rid of the block and keeps my knives handy.

Good only knows.