
"Good hates fags."

There's actually a good portion of conservative Christians in this country who don't believe Catholics are Christian at all. Protestants account for 51.3% of Christians in this country, vs. 23.9% Catholic. In case you haven't been paying attention, Protestants of any stripe pay exactly zero attention to what the

Oh, our Mrs. Reynolds...

Thank you for beating me to that.

I was going to apply for some opera residencies in Canada, but several required Landed Immigrant Status. A few minutes Googling later, I despaired of ever working up there.

Isn't it a pain in the ass to get Landed Immigrant Status?

I have hideously flat feet, and with custom orthotics (and proper shoes) was able to train up to complete a sprint triathlon. I got out of it for a while and just started a Couch-to-5K program and have a 4 mile race scheduled.

See a podiatrist, preferably one that specializes in sports injuries. You might be a candidate for custom orthotics. Also, did you buy those shoes at a big-box store? Because if so, consider trying a dedicated running store that does gait analysis and foot strike analysis. I have flat feet and was an injury-prone

I didn't even want to read this article once, and because of that I just read it again to see if I missed something. What in God's name are you talking about?

Sounds like I wouldn't like you much either. I just thought that my sisters deserved to be respected as people. I didn't realize I was going for attention and brownie points.

I was under the impression that the gluten was always there, and that working it with a binder just made it uncurl and get stretchy. Also, "miked"?

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.

So, about those black bean burgers:

Yeah, that's.... still racist.

There's no way that all of the people accounted for the in the study's conclusion that walking is too hard for "many people" are all either injured or have cardiac issues. That's different. I don't think it's a failure of empathy to be a bit horrified that a large portion of the society is too out-of-shape to walk.

My rat empathy was cured when I watched one subway rat drag a flattened rat corpse down the subway tracks. Then there was my first apartment in the city, where I came home from a long weekend to clean up a bloated rat-corpse from the trap under the sink.

This sounds about right. When I was a senior in high school, for some reason all we drank was Mike's Hard Lemonade and Southern Comfort. The Mike's was like the training wheels of alcohol. It wasn't until college that I actually enjoyed beer (after the mercifully brief phase of cheap awful beer wherever I could get

Sick. Burn.

This. Thank you. All this "don't shame me about my c-section" crap is tiresome and beside the point. This new data can play a huge part in creating bacteriological therapies for babies that are born via c-section, etc.

So... what did you want to talk about, exactly?