The Captain

Did they ever address the bug where sometimes Gym would turn yellow?

Japanese James Woods sounds like James Woods talking Japanese.

I swear they sound like the same actors as their English voices. Especially Hades. That VA sounds dead-on like James Woods speaking Japanese.

& Knuckles

That title is far too coherent for a KH game.

I feel bad for Kingdom Hearts fans. They’re probably gonna have to wait another five more years before this thing is released.

EA Battlefront 1: We surely can do better than Pandemic.

They’ll sell you a new one and give you $7 for your existing one.

You know, while most of those policies are jokes or political satire, requiring a representative to have lived in the area he or she wants to represent for 5 years sounds like a damn good idea. As does abolishing the House of Lords.

And if you hold it up to the skyline, it will reveal the location of One-Eyed Willy’s treasure.

“In the middle of my BACKSWING?!”

“...I will be able to master the time device.”

I just happened to have this gif handy.

That wonky AI pathing doesn’t code itself! ;)

In interviews, he strikes me as a labrador retriever that learned how to surf. Very nice guy and exceptionally fun but, guys, please don’t take his ideas seriously lol.

How os this trolling? It might be funnier if somebody explained the meme behind this. To me, it is just a mildly catch and forgettable song.