The Captain

I was playing this for like a good month on Newgrounds. Sucks your life away and now its on Steam. Fuck this game.

New study finds mortality rate, of those who have existed, to be 100%. Senator Lex Luthor vows to spend whatever it takes to fight this threat.

Toastmaster...ancient... I got it from my grandmother. The butterfly waffle is the best, clearly, since there’s only one.

Toastmaster...ancient... I got it from my grandmother. The butterfly waffle is the best, clearly, since there’s only

Not everyone can be so forgiving.

Capaldi I’m actually fine with but Moffat has been writing the show into the ground with all his twists, or lame happenstance that he’s going to call twists, and then there is Coleman who has as much character depth as a shallow puddle. Shes got two modes, flirt and flirt and ask benign until its time to run, at which

I find it humorous that the Civ AI appears to have performed the usual Risk tactic of “take Australia then wait”.

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Something tells me this is going to end badly........

Part of me thinks as iconic as Ford made it, Russell could probably have pulled it off.

Obligatory ... the real lost Star Wars audition footage.

Actually its false. Its been proven that Piracy has zero effect on the profitability of a show. There have been many government studies done that prove pretty conclusively that all Piracy tends to do is act as an advertisment for the show. They spend more money trying to prevent Piracy then they actually lose. HBO’s

One small step for a man, one giant leap for bullying.

Honestly, I liked the one where Harley Quinn writes up a psych eval for the Joker that basically says he’s sane but pretends to be crazy so he can get away with anything.

Well, maybe if homeless people became robots, they would be able to get jobs. Ever think of that?

No, don’t you get it? That’s the Trooper who LIVED.

Because sidekicks was fucking awesome. And Chuck fucking Norris, bruh.

I treat Interstellar the same way I treat Mass Effect 3. About 15 minutes to the end, I turn the TV off and say "AND THEN WHAT THEY WANTED HAPPENED AND THEY WON THE END."

He did. He had two pretty hot daughters who never amounted to anything and a weird son who would go on to win Dancing with the Stars, and he also basically adopted his sister’s kid who grew up in a hard neighborhood in Philadelphia and would go on to become an international rap/pop star and well-known actor.

But does she bring Major Payne?