The Captain

You my good sir need to join up. All fine gentlemen who wish to showcase their undeniably fine physique in a sportly manner should desire to be a part of this exclusive club.

The only real Itchy...

She should have been a whale biologist

I will be fine, called my gf to sign up for me while I am stuck at work. But thanks anyways

According to this .gif, GW2 is gonna get tazed in the butthole.

I think he found the .gif on the ground...

I am in the same place as you. Crappy work pc, with a great gaming pc at home waiting to be tested so that I may try this awesome looking game.

BAH.... at work... why do you need to check my pc while I am at work. I should probably try and see if my girlfriend is at home and can check it for me. Does anyone know if I could re-submit my pc specs if I sign up now?

"Rest assured, if it rhymes, I can cause trouble in it."

Don't worry Dirk, you're still starred

Funny enough I have had it similar to you a bit, got summoned once for jury duty though I got the notice a week after my 18 birthday thinking "what the hell?". At the time I really was hating on going but now that I am 24 and my opinions are more aligned to something akin to Pauly Shore in Jury Duty I want to go for

This comment made me smile and I thank you for that good sir.

That would be considered a win.

She may be a robot, but

I always felt that Last son of Earth would be a good way of making a superman game. Also it's one of my favorite elseworlds comics.

I posted this for the i09 article, and I'll post it for this one.

Oh man... thank you for reminding me to re-watch this movie.

The only truth

I use my 360 controller with Skyrim and yes the rumble works just like normal.

I may have to come up with a bit of a different solution then as I am not single and light does not bother me enough.