The Captain

"Rest assured, if it rhymes, I can cause trouble in it."

Don't worry Dirk, you're still starred

Funny enough I have had it similar to you a bit, got summoned once for jury duty though I got the notice a week after my 18 birthday thinking "what the hell?". At the time I really was hating on going but now that I am 24 and my opinions are more aligned to something akin to Pauly Shore in Jury Duty I want to go for

This comment made me smile and I thank you for that good sir.

That would be considered a win.

She may be a robot, but

I always felt that Last son of Earth would be a good way of making a superman game. Also it's one of my favorite elseworlds comics.

I posted this for the i09 article, and I'll post it for this one.

Oh man... thank you for reminding me to re-watch this movie.

The only truth

I use my 360 controller with Skyrim and yes the rumble works just like normal.

I may have to come up with a bit of a different solution then as I am not single and light does not bother me enough.

Wow... I really am starting to think I have DSPD... it fits my entire lifestyle of sleep.


I am there with you, I found them to be fun in a more simple type of RTS game.

Now that deserves a heart click.

See some credible evidence finally.

Yeah right... the evidence is too well filmed. Where is the blurry pictures? The super far off camera shots? This defeats all logic for finding a cryptid. Come back when I can't tell the difference between this and Bigfoot.

hahaha... I guess Mike Rowe is now Captain Planet... he does do all the dirty jobs anyways.

Man we are really getting sidetracked here... I guess no one cares about water or heart.