
Articles like this are the reason why I check out Jezebel less and less.

would 100% rather watch this audition process then the movie itself.

No, they must find a color that has not been the color scheme of any protest movement, anywhere in the world. If all the solid colors are taken, they have to find something else, maybe a pattern. But not a plaid, because that’s appropriation of the Scottish culture. Not an animal print, because of so many reasons. No

I like your comments. I think we’re doomed. Easier to eat our own than find real solidarity to make incremental improvements. The right has no problem playing the long game. We have no strategy.

Then, while forcing people to give birth is an affront to human rights, the repeated usage of gendered terms in this repeated warcry excludes trans and nonbinary pregnant people who need abortion access and care.”

It maybe quicker to specify which parts of the episode I wasn’t crying for. Lol. Anyway, really I cried through most of it Beth left me with a lot of tears, but Randall hit me the hardest by far...

I feel obligated to point out that at most Abbott can only delay the execution by a month once before she has to be executed- the governor doesn't have the power to unilaterally grant clemency or pardons in Texas. People need to go after the people on the board of pardons who can be found here- https://www.tdcj.texas.g

Rebecca kept taking photos to help her remember this day as her memory starts to falter. She said as much in the bar. She decided not to take a photo of the darts game because she was confident she would remember it without the aid of a photo. But she is trying to document as much as possible to help her recall

I don’t think it was Turner who sent the note to Agnes. I think it was *Church*.

She has attorneys. That a personal plea was included does not mean she is representing herself. Why is there snark included in a post about a woman who is dealing with a stbx who has engaged in abusive and stalking behavior? 

OJ 2.0

Guttmacher is not a think tank. They are a world-class leading research and policy organization. They are the ones generating the research that is cited in cases like those being argued at the Supreme Court and state courts. Yes, we need to fund millions directly to abortion funds and clinics. But let’s not act like

Florida lawmakers aren’t trying to end gayness. They’re just trying to create a culture-war hot button issue that will get them airplay on Fox News and create a bunch of soundbites they can use in fundraising and on the campaign trail. It’s all about fanning the flames of hatred to lock in the votes of people who

This article is not going to age well.

Stupid kids, snitches get stitches

It has been decreed by a dying website’s junior varsity squad assistant captain, and so it shall be.

They should have cancelled the Adele concert at least a week in advance.  To do so the night before, is so disrespectful to the fans.

If it’s such a consistent problem, maybe instead of whining about how young people aren’t giving your preferred candidates votes to which they are not entitled, maybe we ought to take seriously that there’s maybe a systemic problem and address that.