
Just wanna say thank you for being so terrific at your job. The readership will forever be in your corner!

Totally agree - there’s no scenario where everyone can be safe. It’s just the way it is.

You are aware that there are multiple religions that prohibit shaving, yes? There are also methods to masking up securely with your beard intact (e.g. Singh Thatta Technique).

If you are white sure, but beards are an important part of many cultures of BIPOC.

“trendy douche”

Just weird - if everyone hates drug pushers so much, why are they still in business?

Terrible headline. I didn’t march “For Abortion”, I marched to protest the loss of my human rights, I marched for equality among the sexes, I marched to preserve every person’s right to self determination, I marched to protest old white men deeming themselves able to tell us what we can or cannot do with our bodies.

a new law in Texas that bans abortion from six weeks after a person’s missed period and deputizes citizens to enforce the law by suing each other.

The one scenario where no one is hurt is that this is one publicity stunt. It would make me angry, but I’d rather it be that than to have her hurt or worse.


“Pickups are good in the snow.”

She’s hurt so she’s going to make sure everyone else does too.

An early example of Cancel Culture demonstrated by the hypocrites.

Don’t forget the Dixie Chicks speaking out and being slammed down for it.  Bittersweet they were proven correct in the long run.

You mean the men in power could have eliminated rape all this time and they're just now getting started on it?

And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them”

Mhmm and then two weeks later she got the same dumb nurse who somehow still hadn’t been corrected. C’mon man there’s no need to play devil’s advocate  here.

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

She sounds awful, and most of that stuff would cause me to not want to watch her in anything.

But I don’t understand why the vaccination stuff always leads these articles about her except that its attention grabbing given the state of the world. “She once had a frivolous view of vaccines but changed her mind.” Why is

she absolutely SHOULD HAVE fucked Tom Hanks!!!