
WTF is with Paris’ voice? It’s almost alien. It reminds me of my voice when I drink too much milk.

Depending on who you ask she’s apparently worth around $300 million. Personally I rate that as super-wealthy but she’s also super vacuous, and no amount of money makes that attractive.

James Garner was in Grand Prix. McQueen was in Le Mans.

Not sure if you are serious or trolling (or both) but let’s play the “it’s all Obama’s fault” game. Yes, it was all. His. Fault. So what is the plan to fix the problem? Because the sociopathic, lying sack of shit in a cheap suit not only has no plan, he has made deep cuts to the departments that would need to be

Sounds like one should avoid an HOA if one appreciates things like personal freedoms.

and who would want or need a 5GB movie?

I think you have Usenet and BT backwards.

Worked for Mitt Romney.

There’s a process for petitioning the court if his income has changed such that the alimony and child support is too high comparative to his income. That process isn’t simply defaulting on his legal obligations.


Don’t try and rationalize this sort of stuff. The hypocrisy is monumental and will lead you nowhere.

It’s kind of like how using “fuck” is rarely actually related to the sex act. Like “fuck”, “69" started out so pure...


The good teams do anyway.

To fuckwits like Moore soccer=Europe=socialism. It’s literally that simplistic.

I prefer sociopathic, lying sack of shit in a cheap suit. Cute nicknames aren’t going to get him out of the Oval Office.

My guess is some girl beat his ass in sports when he was a kid and he’s held this stupid grudge ever since.

You trolled - no more, no less. You’re delusional if you think anyone is that worked up by your comments. Your responses show you’ve got nothing better to do than reply to the well-deserved criticism aimed at you.

Fuck I hate this guy.

Star Wars was ruined long before Disney came along.