She remakes herself in the image of whatever her current partner wants. He shoots turtles for fun.
She remakes herself in the image of whatever her current partner wants. He shoots turtles for fun.
Maybe they both realize they got a second shot at actually being happy with each other? <shrug> In any case...enjoy, you krazy kids!
Isn’t it Kotaku’s job to straight-face reddit drama as news?
At least it helped them move beyond Fight Club.
oh god, the porn gif years.
Given that the complainer is now doing the very expected and tedious “lol I’m tired of talking about this w/e let’s move on” thing in response to people asking for the receipts, looks like this was somebody shitposting for clicks and lulz. Sorry for the Texas Bee Lady that she had to be the main character in…
Counterpoint: If someone goes above moving hives of bees based only on what they saw on a few social media videos, we should not be particularly concerned for their welfare.
“No.” is my favorite complete sentence.
I’d have some concern that her fans might decide to try it themselves, dress and act as she does, and get injured/dead (many people are allergic but may not know it).
It’s like someone calling out a plumber because he is ‘too sexy’ when snaking a toilet clog.
Oh, Honey.
Surprised you didn’t put the puns in the title.
Oh no not a bong! Lol i’m sorry but in light of all the other things, even having to mention that someone had a bong as if that’s some evil machination is just silly. If it had been a Coors Light, no one would say a fucking thing because beer and alcohol is totally ok. BUT NOT THE SINFUL BONG!
LMAO, ok proceed.
Based on the reasoning here, if Hulk Hogan were a politician and not a professional wrestler, then Jezebel would still be part of the Gawker network.
Also, it's in the public interest that Weiner sent photos to a minor, but I don't think it's in the public interest to actually see his schlong. You can report the story without actually sharing the photos.
I paid over $1K for a custom corset last year. I had it made by a corsetiere. It’s not a fetish garment. It relieved back pain I’ve suffered since the age of 17 (I was 41 when I bought it). It’s cut to be worn as outerwear and it’s suitable for professional dress.
Christina Hendricks’ breasts must NEVER be questioned!
And in many cases they still are functional options. Spanx and whatnot are sad, sausage casing attempts to modernize foundation garments.
I think this assumes a level of good judgment and level headedness that neither of them have demonstrated we should give them the benefit of the doubt about.
I think I’m officially old at this point because the relentless, performative PDA from MK/MGK and Kravis is EXHAUSTING. Do they ever stop commenting on each other’s Instagrams long enough to have actual sex?