
I have loved this game for a decade and I play even now.  I have screenshots of how I re-imagined my character’s look for each expansion.  I’ve never been in a guild or played it like I played other MMOs (I used to be fairly hardcore back in the day).  This has just been a single player RPG experience for me the whole

Take your star. 🌟

I totally agree. I also lump those folks in with the “somebody will do something” crowd. If the woman is going to die, somebody will do some thing! If my daughter was raped, somebody will do some thing! If the baby has a huge abnormality, somebody will do some thing! I’ve run into those people so many times. No, in

I mean, if you want to remove all the nuance from everything I said, sure, I’ll boil it down to yes. The freedoms we enjoy in the United States, as fraught with peril as they are, do not exist in Russia. 

Agree with all of this. I also find my sympathy a bit thin simply from a risk vs reward perspective. I get that there’s money there in basketball but it’s also a much larger risk in terms of not being on the friendliest of terms with the west. Like, there’s a version where all of this is made up and she did nothing

As should we all, quite honestly.

Yes! And we’ve seen articles like this the whole time where some journalist will say, “Oh, they’re turning on him!” No. No, they’re not. He’s always been a con man who did whatever was good for himself, told any lie that was expedient in the moment without any regard for the next moment, and shit on anyone who got in

I remember reading that after her mom died, she was so devastated that she couldn't eat or sleep and had passed out on the set of whatever movie she was working on. So when I see her and she so painfully thin, I just feel super sad for her. 😔

I’d be interested if these were white catholics or Latinx catholics. I grew up entirely with the latter and they adhered to the doctrine pretty tightly. Everyone had babies. Birth control was a sin. Now where I live is primarily white catholics and they do what they want at all times and shrug off the church. It’s a

Same. I've never had any dog in the free Britney fight because it's so hard to tell what's going on from the outside. But Jesus, that's exactly how you said it - shockingly evil.

This is a very definitive answer. Thank you. 

Yes but I'd be concerned for those poor bees. 😔

Wait.  When I die, I want to glitter bomb the universe with MY soul. 

I just hope they're enjoying each other. It's been a tough year+ for all of us. I wish them nothing but joy for as long as this rekindled romance lasts. 

I haven’t actually watched Voyager but it feels like an on-brand message for Star Trek. The hubris of the Federation - even of facets of things like the Prime Directive - often gets explored and left for us to consider without a lot of commentary. I feel like this showcases the “human” trait of not wanting our

Yes! Another lady I worked with said “those people” should die rather than have Medicaid be a service that exists. And a few months later, her grandmother went on Medicaid after a fall. I was like, remember that one time when you said Medicaid shouldn’t exist? She like, “yeah but my grandma needs it.” I didn’t even

This fascinates me. I used to sit next to a guy at work who was a Republican with two college age daughters. And one time we got on the topic of abortion and he was fully anti-abortion. I asked him, “if one of your daughters needed an abortion so that she wouldn’t die, but you voted against it until it’s illegal, are

Wow! That’s fascinating how we took that different ways. And yes, I think you’re right. Food costs feel like they’ve gone up so much.

Oh wow! It's the currency of our people, apparently.

Yes to all of this. The gatekeeping of food overall is a huge thing. I feel like this is a subject that is tough for people to relate to if they haven’t experienced it but really fucks with those of us who have.