
Aw, thank you. 

So, after trying to discuss our monthly monetary shortfall with The Bartender, several times, I’ve decided to definitely find something online, part time. When I think about this I become mildly furious; certain things are quite expensive here in Panama, like prescriptions, and my pension doesn’t quite cover the

Everyone should just keep their hands to themselves unless invited.

I don’t care if you are Amy Adams.

Can confirm, I’m roughly the same build (slightly more fat) and an inch or so taller... my main was a Gnome Mage for years lol.

He is also Geralt of Rivia now. Henry Cavill’s nerd cred is unimpeachable.

A-hahahaha... The holier they are, the sinnier they sin...

Fact: Mike Pence has never had a one-on-one meeting with Henry Cavill.

I like Henry Cavill, but I’m worried that he’s too emotional to handle a leadership position (especially at a certain time of the month).

All I have to say is I’ve never heard of any of these accounts, which is a true testament to how well-curated my fyp is. What the hell is this

Inhumanity is a core GOP value.

I know he’s a grown man and all, but these style of pap photos always remind me that these folks never get a quiet moment when they can just walk their dog in peace, even when they are masked.

Wouldn’t be wonderful if we had a system of health care that people wouldn’t have to depend on the kindness of strangers?

The point is not having to ask. If I have to ask you to deal with the giant, growing pile of dishes, then I have become your mother. An adult human should look at that pile of dishes they contributed to and go ‘well, fuck, we need to do the dishes’ AND DO THEM.

I would make the argument that, if the dishes are piling up like this to the point where anyone with working eyes see they obviously need to be cleaned, then yes, she shouldn’t have to ask.

You love someone who abandoned their dog in a field because it was annoying?

no, no. it’s the children who are wrong.

I don’t like any of his music, but Lil Nas X has a massive following on social media and is pretty damn hilarious. I see him as more of an internet celebrity than a musician at this point.

I hear you, Jane. I got divorced , after 20+ yrs of being married, some years ago and the first thing I enjoyed was cooking with onions, and vegetables, things my spouse would not eat. Beef stew= beef and potatoes i.e...and having control of the remote and best of all, having a dog. My apartment is getting shabby

While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange

(But seriously....what would actually be effective punishment for a Trump or a Sorokin?)