
“Nowhere in the rules does it specifically say that a dog can’t play basketball.”

My person and I got engaged. I haven’t told anyone IRL. I like the feeling of savoring a secret and I don’t feel like doing it for the gram (now an ad wasteland). So y’all get to hear it first. Wish us luck :)

The circuitry thing is a FEATURE, not a BUG.  I’m in the software buiness, and there is a huge difference.  

Any word if Kanye is scoping out real estate in Guyana?

I have really high anxiety (working in healthcare during a pandemic), so I can only read the news in fits and spurts before I feel like I’m going explode into flames and not be able to get out of bed for work in the morning. The way you’ve summarized a few key news items here was a breath of fresh air, and got me to

Oh, Joshie...

Man, Trump’s gonna be pissed about this later on Twi....oh right.

Anyone who has tried to convince a family member to do something that they don’t want to do will surely understand that for all of Karlie’s “trying,” the White House Kushners are immovable.

“I’m not in any position to tell anyone how my behavior made them feel. I have no excuses for my alcoholism or aggression, only rationalizations. I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I

UHMPE Ropes are so cool! I used to sell them, and they are fascinating. They are “as strong as steel at a fraction of the weight” but they also have other awesome features. They do not “snap” like wire rope or traditional synthetic rope, when they reach a failure point energy is transmitted along the entire length

So metal.

As a mechanical engineer, it never ceases to amaze me what we are able to engineer together. This is one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen. 

And everyone knows that this is true.  It’s why almost all of my mentors were male when I was in academia.  You pick a mentor to ride his/her coattails, and you find the best coattails you can to grab hold of.  Period.  (Labcoattails?)

The sheer laziness of this study is breathtaking. Experienced male authors have higher citations and female researchers that co-author with the experienced males have higher citations. The established predominance of male researchers in STEM fields is just taken as a given, like the sun rising in the east and water is

Well, thank God this trend towards clickbait in all areas of publishing and professionalism hasn’t led to anything appallingly dangerous so far, right? *glares at The Lancet, sharpening a knife*

Way to Streisand-effect Europa, aliens.

As a pair of autistics with theatre backgrounds, I think you’ve misunderstood Sia - we didn’t take it to mean that autistic actors can’t work, it’s that autistic actors can’t safely be involved in realistic portrayals of trauma they have PTSD about. We both have experienced this in roles and agree with her strongly.

As I keep saying, all you need to do is look at the relief they’re asking for in all these lawsuits.

It really has hit me in 2020 that if you don’t care what anyone thinks about you, you can get away with just about anything.