
He’s losing suburban men by 10 points now. He has fallen off a cliff in the suburbs and doesn’t know what to do.  He won suburban women last time.  He is losing suburban men this time.  That is insane.

It is hard to tell with Mack and Raniere who played who. But it seems like they both were able to use each other to get what they each wanted. Folie a deux?

Oh I’m so relieved to hear this.

I was part of a Buddhist group years ago that became a cult. The llama looked a lot like Reniere too. I knew what was up from the start, but I watched others be absolutely destroyed by this man in the name of “enlightenment”.

She reminds me of a Theater Kid from my high school who, a couple years after graduation, got taken in by the FBI because she had staged her own kidnapping.

Just want to make sure your hatred of Trump and the Republicans is at 11. This is a quote from Molly Jong Fast’s column in Daily Beast. It’s locked in Beast Inside or I’d link it. This is beyond nauseating.

She cut a deal. I worked on this documentary and I said it before but I will say it again: Allison Mack’s initials are not part of this. It’s KAR. Keith initials only. Really.

Shelter Cat Update!

Holy smokies y’all, we’re moving to Panama this week, if, IF, everything falls into place. Cat passports, negative Covid antigen tests, narrow time windows for all the ridic red tape, though isn’t all red tape, by its nature, ridiculous? Also, there appears to be a calico elephant on the catsle!

Reminder that Candace Owens successfully sued her high school with the help of the NAACP for racial discrimination. This is not just cynical race grifting for her. It’s cannibalization of her own people.

I have had c. diff. It was the worst pain I’ve ever been in (and I’ve given birth twice). I’ve said I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy but I may need to mull over that statement.

Pro-lifers are notoriously unconcerned about the actual lives of others, as we all know (which is why the should always be referred to as “anti-choice”).

May he live so that he can see himself get destroyed in the election and turned on by all of the Republicans, while him and his family and henchmen are all prosecuted and jailed and end up destitute. Won’t be upset if he struggles to breathe for the rest of his life, though.

1) They are absolutely prepared for situations like this, that’s their plan. Offload 30k people and be fine again.

What do you expect them to do? Make the long suffering chief executives have to take a cut in their bonuses?

I’m in the same boat - we finally got our ballots in the mail today, we’re filling them in and dropping them off tomorrow. Nothing in this debate could’ve possibly changed my opinion after the last four years of neverending bullshit with this absolute fucking clown. Anyone who’s undecided at this point is either

Six is the best number.  Four and people run out of things to say, eight and you’re tripping over people.  Five-seven is the sweet spot. 

She always mentions Jeffery’s schedule and making the time he’s there special.  Makes having a part time husband sound ok. 

Can confirm. Six is optimal, because REASONS. 

Six is a great number. Enough people to balance personalities, but not so many that you can ensure you actually really enjoy everybody there. Extroverts have enough folks to talk to, but the introverts aren’t overwhelmed if they know all or most people. Also, I suspect it’s a good number for the size of their dining

Other than you not liking him for whatever “drama” he may or may not be responsible for, do you have a single piece of evidence to suggest these claims are fraudulent?