Hey, how do you know you’ve succeeded if you can’t identity the lessers and exclude them?
Hey, how do you know you’ve succeeded if you can’t identity the lessers and exclude them?
All I could think of was “but her emails...”
Really? That’s all people could think of to say why they didn’t want to vote for a woman. No thought to big picture issues’.
Now I’m imagining them married and living in a quaint, suburban home with a mailbox labeled, “The Gun Kellys."
I’m really sad to see them get divorced because I think they deserve each other.
Super super super happy for Billie, but still have to laugh. Kingston Fisher Lourd Rydell sounds like a law firm; that’s a lotta name for a tiny baby to bear.
Is cloutchaser the new “starfucker”?
Y'all BILLIE LOURD HAD A BABY. I cry with joy.
I don’t think it’s fair to hold Ellen to the standard of “nice” she sets on her show. That is an act. No one could be that nice 100% of the time. I think it’s fair to hold her to the standard of not presiding over a toxic workplace. If a man would get away with that, the answer is not to say “Well then, it’s okay…
I'd guess she comes in, reads her script, does the show and goes home. She doesn't know someone was nasty to the janitor.
As this administration has shown us, rules only apply to you if you agree to follow them.
Yeah if the Dems don’t refuse to seat anyone using the same argument the Republicans did then they don’t deserve to be in power. No high road bullshit this time.
I totally empathize with your situation. And how common it is. My son lives with severe Crohn’s disease. He has been hospitalized several times near death when he was undiagnosed. After diagnosis, he was prescribed Humira injections and slowly but surely he regained his health. However, his boss trumped up infractions…
OH LORD. I’m actually going to defend this family. (deep breath)
y’all, if you’ve never tried to get on these programs or been on them you need a wake up call. it’s not nearly as simple and easy as you think, and there’s a lot of loopholes that prevent eligibility.
Step 1. Have you called a doctor’s office lately to make an appointment? First thing they ask is for your insurance information. Try telling them you don’t have any and they will tell you that you will have to prepay cash before you are seen. You don’t have 200 dollars? Sorry but we can’t see you.
What do we do? This. We die.
“For all of the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband’s hand on my boob