
Holy shit. I believe this but also holy shit.

Those videos are made entirely of joy. Thanks for sharing them!

I have no remedies but I am laughing uncontrollably at clam jam because that is the most accurate description I can imagine.

We have a 2017 Model S 100D and we’re testing autopilot very gingerly. It very nearly sent us right into a 20 foot concrete wall at 55 miles per hour the other day. It got its brain scrambled by a big area marked off with white lines - it’s a construction staging area for highway work.

That’s the premise for a great horror movie. I mean, it’s a really good idea that you should definitely do and then film the whole thing. For posterity.

He’d probably be more honest, too.

haha, I never thought of him that way but now I can’t unsee it.

Grant Show as Blake Carrington.

Wow, I just came across a Go Fund Me for the ex-girlfriend. Told from her perspective, this is one fuck of a harrowing story. I’d like to set this motherfucker on fire again. And again. And then maybe one more time.

I just got super sad at the “too old for fairy tales”. That’s a level of jaded that makes me wonder how that person functions.

I... kind of don’t care?

OMG, I laughed until I cried at that. SNAP! lol

I’m going to only hear what I want to hear! lalalala!

That’s how I read it, too. That may not quite be what he meant but that’s what I’m taking away from it.

Thank you!

Thanks, I appreciate it. <3

Thanks! And it’s a good question. If they lay me off, I’ll get a nice severance package since I’ve been there 10 years. If I quit, I get nothing. :(

I’m about to do something next week that’s super scary: I’m going to ask my job to lay me off.

I know this isn’t a popular take bit I’ve had moments of this, too. It usually gets eclipsed by the fact that he’s causing intense suffering for immigrants pretty quick, though.

I keep remembering something Howard Stern said. That Trump had the greatest life Stern could imagine before he decided to run for president. Living in a literal golden tower, a beautiful wife, setting your own schedule, everyone adoring you (or pretending to). Now, this. I can’t imagine how long he’ll be willing to