
I’d like to think getting a few good people in to this goat rodeo would help but look how they treated Sally Yates. Anyone who won’t fall in line and tell any lie they give you is just asking to be outright fired. And even if you aren’t fired, who knows what tomfoolery will go on to ruin your good name? I guess we’ll

When I read about this, I wonder how many others are in the same situation as Kesha and just... do what they’re told, go along to get along, etc. Probably a lot. Dr. Luke is obviously not used to being bucked. What a fucked up situation.

Pour one out for Bob. :(

I feel bad for that poor hideous fish everyone’s freaking out about. Like, in my head, his name was Bob and he was a super nice guy and when he went into the fish equivalent of Cheers, everyone was like, “Bob!” He donated to charity. He helped little old lady fish across the street. No, he wasn’t much to look at but

Ohio was a machine. Or at least Columbus, Ohio was. It’s a shame it couldn’t have been that way across the board.

I’d say it was when we lost our home due to my mom’s heroin addiction. I was 17 and just trying to finish up high school. My mom just finally lost herself after being a smoke anything/drink anything anyone paid for type of person who never seemed to get dependent. She and her best friend tried heroin and they both

In actuality, their marriage is likely one of a meeting of minds rather than a meeting of genitals and that’s totally okay!

God damn, that’s fantastic. I hadn’t seen that before. I just teared up.

The women mostly being in this age group doesn’t surprise me and tells a sad tale of how those women see themselves - they are so determined to deny their own autonomy and personhood that they actively and passionately support a man who would happily legislate it away. It makes me happy that it seems subsequent

Ooooo, I will check that out. Thank you!

What movie is that from, anyway?

I read an article that after Brexit, hate crimes spiked 41% in England and Wales. The Miranda Kerr thing makes me wonder if we’ll see a similar bump in sexual assaults due to Trump. If you want a woman, you take her. Just start kissing her. Grab her by the pussy. Get a knife, go over the wall, get what’s yours.

They do that, too.

I had my hair balayaged a couple of months ago and didn’t want to be as blonde for the fall so we worked in some red and violet into it. I’m super happy with the way it came out.

About 5 years ago, I had a panic attack on an American Airlines plane as people were boarding. I had never had that happen to me before and all I remember is everything closing in on me, no sound other than my breathing, and lots and lots of crying. A nice flight attendant got me off the plane and settled in the

Went to that TMZ link for pics of Connor McGregor in custom suits. Was not disappointed.

That video is AMAZING. Thank you so much for sharing.

Thanks for posing this! I legit got all teary eyed. She is awesome!

When I first saw this yesterday, I didn’t realize it wasn’t the same girl. I just thought she had her brows slightly different in each picture.