
These are gorgeous! And I desperately need Versailles but it’s sold out. :(

Around this time last year, my life went into a tailspin. Relationship imploded. Mom was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Job went south. I spent the next 6 months picking up pieces and trying to figure out how to cope. It took another 6 months for me to go back on the upswing and now I feel like I’m okay. Even

This is fantastic, eyes-open, real-world advice. Thank you.

RIGHT?! There’s a thousand charitable things he could have spent that money and influence on. Chilling the media? Great. Thanks for that, buddy.

I loved his advice to the class and how inspired he was by her. There’s a lot of the “I want to make it like xyz only different/moreso/better” in all design. It’s actually deeply, painfully hard to put that aside and say, “I am taking things I find special and creating with those things in a way that resonates with

I met another gal who was a Gwynnie Bee member at Accenture women’s day this year. She was wearing a dress I’d actually bought from Gwynnie Bee. It felt like a super great secret that only we knew. Loved it!

Oh, I am going to have to find that. THanks!

Well, consider this: ~12 dresses per month. 12 months in a year. 144-ish dresses that I don’t have to keep, wash, maintain, replace, etc. No shipping. So that means I’m paying around $7 per dress I wear and it’s new-to-me every time. I’m good with that.

It took me a few months to figure out how to consistently get things I liked. Now, I keep 50+ things in my queue at all times. I am crafting a look and I select things that work in that look so that it doesn’t matter what I get at any time. I make a few things that I especially like priorities (which has never really

That is exactly how it works. It’s glorious.

Yup, that’s why I came up with a standard “look” that I liked and filled my closet with those dresses that drove that look. That way it didn’t matter which set I got, it was all going to be of a particular kind of outfit.

Oh! Hah, I had no idea.

I couldn’t see the subscription pricing for new subscribers. I pay $84 per month for 3 pieces but my rate is locked in. I am not sure how much it is for new subscribers, I couldn’t find that. I do know they have a free month trial.

It’s SO awesome. It took me a bit of time to figure out what I liked and what styles flattered me best but now I have “a look” that I strive for and I steer my closet toward that look. Sometimes I order things that look great in the pictures and they are great - just not on me. But as I get better about understanding

So, I’m a gamer and so I’ve tried to maximize my use of the service. I have the 3 dress plan and as soon as I get my box of dresses for the week, I go into the site and click “notify return” so that they start prepping my next box right away. I usually - not always but usually - have three dresses per week to wear.

I am size 16 and I finally just gave up on buying clothes and now use Gwynnie Bee almost exclusively for my work clothing. This service is fantastic and has had a hugely positive impact on my look.

I’m in a consulting position at work and I use “I feel like” when I’m posing an opinion vs a recommendation. “I feel like we could go two ways here...” vs “We should do xyz.” The former phrase is so good for opening discourse because it’s obvious that it’s an opinion and it’s open for discussion. I think it’s a

That is an awesome story!

This is an extremely astute observation.