Yes. I was one of the Ohio dems who voted for Kasich and it burned like fire. AND YET.
Yes. I was one of the Ohio dems who voted for Kasich and it burned like fire. AND YET.
My best friend has hair almost identical to yours - and she keeps her hair blue. She said Living Proof Adding Volume has changed her life. It gave her lift and fluff and shine, and helps control the oil, too.
Sigh. I knew it was coming but I am disappointed.
Oh, Zac Efron. I know we’re supposed to find totally ripped guys really hot but I hugged a guy who was that jacked once and IT HURT. Like, he was so hard all over it was like hugging concrete. I didn’t want to imagine sex. Ow.
Wow! Gorgeous! (I said that out loud and my boyfriend came trotting in to see what I was looking at lol.)
There are not enough stars in the universe for this comment.
Yup! I'm about to curl up on the couch and get reading.
I’m on a huge kick to simplify my life and I had never heard of this book. Very timely! I picked it up and I’m excited about it. Thanks!
Yes! I was hollering this at the TV at the time. The announcers kept talking about how they didn’t blame the officials for not being able to keep the peace. Bullshit. They should have ejected this motherfucker in the first half. Why do they let people continue to get hurt?
Oh, wow, that is cool!
Holy shit, I had no idea what she looked like outside the Elvira makeup. Like, intellectually, I knew she had to be gorgeous but wow!
Going from a $500k house to a $150k house denotes a class change as well as a zipcode change. That means a worse neighborhood most definitely and worse schools most probably. Yes, you’re regaining some disposable income or being able to stay home or both. But this example completely discounts what you’re losing. This…
I saw that on twitter! That was awesome.
The elf is part of the modern surveillance state.
The cops still came to the house to check on Isabella and found her freaking out. “She was hysterical crying, she was panicking,”
As another gal said up the thread, dress professionally and know your shit and you’ll be fine. I also second her advice about knowing when to tap out of toxic bullshit. That’s so key but it’s also hard. It’s never black and white, you know?
OMG, that is terrible. I am so sorry that happened to you.
Arrrrgh. I fear this fate myself. I’m ambivalent but kind of in the welp phase. I need to just haul my ass on to the IUD train,
Yes! A world of yes to this. All the stars. Yes.
What you’re talking about is what I would call the Welp! method. “I wasn’t sure and then it happened. Welp!” And it worked out well for you but there are plenty of mothers to whom it happened and they didn’t love it.