
I think she thought she was being helpful. It’s like, um, thanks for that perspective, mom?

I was talking to my mom about possibly breaking up with my long-term boyfriend. I was laying out the pros and cons and how things are stable but not passionate and I think I want more... She cuts me off and says, “Look. You’re pretty enough now, I guess, but you’re no spring chicken. Just lock this one down while you

I am so, so pissed off about this. I loved this blog. Like, loved it. It was a nice place. And lest “nice” sounds a bit limp as a compliment, it’s important to realize that this is the internet. Nice is just not in the main around here. And more to the point, it’s on Gawker. That’s two major strikes against nice.

That was a great read! I had no idea he’d said such bullshit.

Happy Birthday!

After reading this, I, too, clicked the link and kept scrolling down to see Taylor Kinney. Trust but verify, I always say.

That was a fantastic talk. Thank you so much for sharing it!

I work in financial services, a bastion of white conservative Republicans. I’ve seen an interesting shift there and it’s away from this sort of bullshit. The most conservative woman I know recently said something I found interesting: “The social issues are done. We’re finished there. The Supreme Court has made that

Yes! This is fantastic idea!

I got that, as well, though it came with a side of, “because they don’t know any better” which seemed a little harsh.

I think you may have just sold me on leasing. I never really understood it before. After living with a BMW that’s been out of warranty for 3 years? I’m ready to never experience that with another car ever again. Thanks!

Yes! That movie was SO bizarre and horrific. I loved it.

Now playing

I saw him in concert when he opened for Taylor Swift’s Red Tour and he did his entire set like that. I had heard his stuff on the radio and been kinda meh. After that fantastic performance, I went right out and bought his album and have purchased everything since. He’s a damn fine musician.

It’s refreshing to hear someone else say this. Looks just aren’t what motivates me. It’s like, “that’s pretty” like a sunset or a flower or something else nice to look at. But “nice to look at” doesn’t feed the bulldog, you know? My main criterion for interest is, well, are they interesting? What do you know? What do

He’s a fantastic singer. I’ve seen him in concert and it’s a wonderful show.

I smooch my cat on the head. Head smooching is fine. Heck, it’s practically your job.

Holy shit! Are you okay? I truly hope so. This things sounds so scary.

I just checked it out and I love it!

There’s a BBW trend in romance right now that’s selling zillions of short books on Amazon. Just for research purposes, I joined a BBW Facebook group dedicated to those romances. What I found was actually kind of amazing. Once every couple of weeks, there’s a selfie thread where the “curvy girls” share their pictures

Are you a wizard? Because those are magic.