Eric the RC guy

Maybe if you take 3 seconds to Google “CNN iReport” you might understand what the fuck you’re talking about. Kinja paid you to write your comment the exact same amount that CNN paid “montebubbles” to write the article in question, and you are both expected to have equal amounts of journalistic integrity (none).


All this anger and you didn’t even take a few seconds to try to know what the fuck you’re talking about. iReport is basically just a blogging platform hosted by CNN, and allows anyone to post to it. CNN didn’t report anything, they simply allowed someone to post content to a part of their website where people are

So, HL3 confirmed?

I've been saying this since the news broke that it seemed like Clarkson was gone for good. This is almost too good of an opportunity for Netflix to pass up, and since it would give them complete creative freedom without a network to watch over them it seems like something the Top Gear guys may jump at as well.

This comment deserves all of the stars.

You're the reason the internet is amazing.

Can anyone think of a reason that Netflix wouldn't be making the three of them offers right now? They've been pushing for more original content, and given that Top Gear is/was one of the most popular shows in the solar system a huge boost in subscribers seems near guaranteed. It seems like it would be a win/win/win to

You said that the best case scenario is that your dog dies of gastroenteritis and/or pancreatitis. Your implication is that if you feed your dog food meant for humans that the absolute best thing that can happen is something that has a decent chance of killing your dog.

If someone was to say "don't ever drink any alcohol because at best you will die of cirrhosis of the liver" their statement would be equally as stupid. Just like humans dogs aren't all the same, and eating some human food is not going to instantly cause "gastroenteritis and/or pancreatitis (which can be a form called

"Holy hell. Please do not do this. I am a buzzkill"

I'm assuming this was an attempt at a joke, but it wasn't funny so I'll respond seriously. You wouldn't be able to turn a motorcycle with training wheels and it would result in a good approximation of a high side any time you tried.

Really, an $80,000 car is for wealthy people? Who would have thought.

Who said there was a big overarching game-changing end to range anxiety?

Tesla didn't make an announcement, and it was the media that was speculating about what the update was. The media speculation was based on a singular tweet from Elon: "Tesla press conf at 9am on Thurs. About to end range anxiety ... via OTA software update. Affects entire Model S fleet."

It's not how it's supposed to be, the author used it correctly. They can either refer to a group of 2 or more people or a person of unspecified sex. OP is a moron.

I am a little afraid to admit this here, but I pirated the game on day 2. I played it pretty much all night that night, and spent the rest of the day browsing /r/citiesskylines to try to pick up tips. Let me note that I have always planned on paying for this game, I've been unemployed for a few months (it was supposed

Fully upgraded Merlin 1D's with the promised 15% increase in thrust on all Model S cars!

Who is an asshole in this video? Yes.

My reaction to most of those videos: