
I heard that iPhone 6 hooked up with the volleyball coach in the showers after school.

No but seriously. More about the wraps...

Welp. I was hungry to begin with and this doesn't help.

I have one of these. The design is great but cumbersome as well. The white part moves around more than i would like it too. its only held in by small silicone ring which feels like it never sets just right. And the first time popping off the top to replace the filter can be scary. it feels like you might break it,

The one thing that still bugs me about spotify is it doesn't organize Artist>Album>Album tracks. It does either Albums or Artist. And when you click on artist its just one huge lump of songs. Is there something i'm missing?

Exactamundo! Not once in the press release do the mention the headphones themselves, or at least quote them saying something about them. They talk about Beats Music numerous times.

Yeah man! Bose totally has the 50yr+ market covered! And we all know we love their adds in SkyMall.

I just really hope this means better integration with iOS and a streaming service. I love Spotify, I just wish it was my DEFAULT music player. iTunes is 90% useless to me now.

Exactly my thought. I dont see the point in a cheaper phone when they can just use the older models since a cheaper phone would probably have those specs anyway.

Hey is Stoya!

Sooo its a Ninja Blender?

My girlfriend never forgets about latency. She worries it about once a month.

I like the new ThinkPads just like I like my women. Black and full of 12GB of RAM.

Batman's backpack. For when you want to be broke ANNND look like an asshole.

Thats one for every Subway within a 3 mile radius of me.

I would totally try this app out. If it would fucking open.

What about the poler napsack? with that you're warm AND hip. Just ask Lena Dunham.

I feel like this article is speaking directly to me because I am in fact a straight up G.

thats unfortunate.

Arcade Fire? not hip enough.