
Remember the MacBook Wheel?

What a sucky situation to be in.

Ive gained a lot of respect for Ford over the past few years. They've really stepped up their game in all aspects but especially in the technological stand point. It feels like even Toyota is just starting to catch up with their entune line.

I wonder how many shares Beast owns

Im probably going to buy two. Just incase one breaks.

It doesn't help with my fear of commitment either...

This software update was clearly shopped.

After using Tupperware for years I recently jumped on the Lock & Lock bandwagon thanks to Woot! and I am very glad I did.

The Go-To status updates for when people leave their Facebook open for others to mess with are normally:

I agree the DBX seems a little out of place in the chain. But who knows how much he does in the box with plugins. If hes using the DBX for bus compression on drums or vox, he could definitely benefit from a decent upgrade.

That is the perfect amount of rack gear i think because im sure it all actually gets used. I just wonder what he uses for the AD/DA conversion.

Im assuming Comcast told them to take it down if they are all current employees.

i think plaid shirts and flannels will be timeless. Just how they fit and how their worn are going to change. For the past few years its been slimmer fits but that could change.

They should just use Roman numerals. That would be classy.

I say this every keurig article on here. So why not? TASSIMO.

What the hell? Was the can designed in Paint?

I am SO glad you posted this. I saw this on TV the other day and I was waiting for it to be a joke. I was convinced it was a joke when i saw the lady with the flip phone on her face. Then i realized it was real... and I started crying.

You might need to do a bit of descaling. That might help. The gevalia coffees are great. Its just a pain because less and less stores are carrying t-disks.

Its the same way with me and strippers.

Tassimo Tassimo Tassimo