
"imbeciles too stupid to realize that their selfish little world view contributes nothing to the world"

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After a while, and a bunch of hate mail from angry people, I finally figured out how to use TAY, and I uploaded my story there. They liked it too, and so they promoted it from tay classic, to the main TAY. So, in a way, I already did what you are suggesting. The thing is, my old posts are there forever now. I am

I finally figured out how to use TAY, so problem solved.

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Money don`t make the man, the man makes money.

Yo, you can call me names if you want to, if it helps. I used to be a Sergeant in the Army. I was in the Navy too, so I can take all the name calling you can dish out. Anyway, I have gotten into this same argument a few times already in my life, so I will try to make my point as short and sweet as I can. In addition

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“But, deep down, nobody cares about not having CDs any more."

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Yo, LOL... Sit your wack ass down, calm the fuck down some. I never asked Kotaku to make their site all crazy hard to figure out, now did I? Still, I finally figured out how to upload my story to TAY, where it properly belongs. So, now you can leave me the fuck alone, and stop trying to put me in my place, OK? Bye bye

LOL, I wrote you an E-mail asking for help. Anyway, I finally figured out how to use TAY on my own. Man that shit is tricky. I mean you ahve to actually tag it into tayclassic. That is totally non-intuitive. How is anyone supposed to figure out how to do that? I had to dig and search hard, after like 20 people told me

LOL.. I been putting my games on easy for a while too. I used to always put them on normal, thinking that was the way the Dev`s designed it to be played, but I`m with you. Fuck it man, I paid for this shit, and I want to have fun and kick this game`s ass, so...

Recommend if you read about games on Kotaku, more than you actually play them.

Yo, so I found Tay Classic. However, it just seems to be a listing of a bunch of other peoples stories/articles, with no button to write my own. Please forgive me for sounding like an idiot. I really would rather post my shit there, than attaching it to unrelated stories. Can you please explain to me how to write my

If I post it im my personal blog, who would ever visit there to be able to see it? I only have like 4 dudes following me. I just wanted to share my story with others. I think it is a cool story. I didn`t know it was hurting anyone. For people who like to read about video games, Kotaku seems like a perfect place to

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Thank you SO much for your honest criticism. It is refreshing to see it, among about 12 other people repeating over and over, that I posted my story in the wrong place. Now you got me worried about where to put a fucking comma, so bear with me. I honestly just want to reply, so forgive any lack of grammar I use here.

Not everyone likes reading...

Here is my story Awakening, and some art I made, or reappropriated, for it. Do you guys like it?

How do you do that?

I know. I was just looking into talk amongst yourselves on Kotaku. It doesnt appear to have a place to upload your own shit. I like Kotaku`s community though, and this sotroy, as well as myself, are sort of game oriented. I think gamers will reltate to me, my story, and some of the jokes contained within, so... I wish

Here is my story Awakening, and some art I made, or reappropriated, for it. Do you guys like it?

The problem with censoring or editing comments, is this. People come from different backgrounds. I used to be a Sergeant in the U.S. Army. Danny Tanner came from "Full House." While I think that we all can agree that a commentor saying "I want to masturbate over your breasts," sorta crosses the line, other comments

"You can comment, share and create your own content."