"What you're thinking about is called gender roles"
It`s not the same without Johnny...
Saints Row: Keepin` it Gangsta`
I live in Japan, and my copy of Far Cry 3 is region free, in English. The problem is... Multiplayer was fucked on my Japanese Xbox Live. I don`t know if it is fixed now. When I still used to play it, the Japanese version hadn`t even dropped yet, so I think the Xbox Live didn`t even know what I was trying to do. What…
"So, why not make all country's releases worth the same..?"
Question: The new Animal Crossing is $35, here. What is it in Japan?
"Shipping overseas ain`t cheap.!
So, you are saying that since we all have the same father, we can`t steal from one another? I like the thought, but I think you have to change the word "can`t" into "shouldn`t." Sadly, theft is a very real possibility in this world, as Naughty Dog demonstrated.
Good Form...
I feel her to the fullest! I mean, Quantic Dream actually hired her. They paid her. She agreed to allow them to use her likeness in Beyond: Two Souls. She worked with them to record her voice, her expressions, her movements, etc., through the use of motion capture technology. Naughty Dog just fucking stole all that…
They should call that bitch the Xbox 180, cause it sure isn`t the Xbox 720, and the Xbox One is the original Xbox.
Now that looks like enough weed to actually OD on the shit and die. Alcohol on the the other hand, only takes about about 2 fifths to kill you... and that is the drug they legalized. Stupid humans. Go figure.